
A growing non-profit tech+non-tech community for programmers and non-coders alike! You do not have to be a developer or a programmer to join yet another cool community! This Repository is made An Open Source Website for the same built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

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TechOS Bell Community Page

-Not that ordinary community!

A growing non-profit tech community for programmers and non-coders alike! Yes, you read that right, you do not have to be a developer or a programmer to join yet another cool community!

An Open Source Website for a growing tech community built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

HacktoberFest Accepted

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• Most efficient PR receives a Shout-Out under the Contributions Trophy of the month
• Is Merged the FASTEST (within 4 hours)
1. Star this repo ⭐
2. Solve the enhancement/bug/updates Issue
3. Submit Valid PR
4. Wait for your PR to be Merged
5. Yayy you're done!
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TechOS Bell

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(Based on Most Efficient Contributions)




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This project is licensed under the MIT license.
