
Open world head-to-head tank game with simple AI and advanced control of the tank in Unreal 4.

Primary LanguageC#


Open world head-to-head tank game with simple AI and advanced control of the tank in Unreal 4.

GDD (Game Design Document): Battle Tank:


1v1. You vs. the NPC tank. A nice, open battle field. You'll have to stratigize the best way to manuver, and attack the enemy tank. Will you succeed?


Open field as the arena with some small hills. Sorruanded by a border of mountains

Both players have finite health and ammo

If you're hit, your tanks health is dimminished

last player staning wins!


Arena with hills, and mountain borders.

Tank model with turret

SFX: Gun firing, explosion, barrel moving, turrent moving, engine sound.

Gun shooting mechanics

Tank moving mechanics


  • BT03 Setting up GitHub