
Each project that tackle serves multiple purposes, and they will all be highly critical in your development as a data professional. First, group projects allow me to start developing a collaborative workflow that is very similar to what I would experience in many jobs in the field. Working in a group also allows me to accomplish more and create more impressive projects than I would be able to alone. This project will be my first opportunity to build a data presentation from the ground up.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


By Dawn Washington, David Owens, and Grey Hardy

Description: In 2017 an entrepreneur wanted to open a brewery in the United States, USA. She needed to determine the top five styles of beer that contains the highest alcohol by volume (ABV) should be produced. A competitive location was identified by finding the top five states with the least number of competitors producing those beers in that state. She analyzed 2,410 US craft beers and 510 US breweries.
Business questions to answer:

  • Which style has the highest alcohol by volume (ABV)?
  • What is the most brewed style of beer?
  • Which state(s) has the most selection of beers with highest alcohol by volume (ABV) rating?
  • Which state(s) has the least selection of beers with highest alcohol by volume (ABV) rating? Potential Hypotheses:
  • She assumes the beer with the highest alcohol by volume (ABV) is the most profitable.
    A state not producing a large amount of high ABV beers would be the ideal location to open her brewery.

Data Sets:

  • Craft Beers Dataset This dataset contains a list of 2,410 US craft beers and 510 US breweries. The beers and breweries are linked together by the "id". This data was collected in January 2017 from CraftCans.com.

Breakdown of tasks:

  • Create GitHub repository
  • Add dataset to GitHub
  • Create readme
  • Merge datasets
  • Do analysis on beer styles
  • Do analysis on brewery locations
  • Create visualizations using Python analysis
  • Create presentation using PowerPoint and include Python visualizations and provide explanations

Visualization ideas:

  • Create a bar or line chart to display the highest alcohol by volume (ABV)
  • Create a scatter or bar chart to display the state that has the most of that style
  • Create a stacked bar chart to display the states that have the most selection of beers with the highest alcohol by volume (ABV)
  • Create a stacked bar chart to display the states that have the least selection of beers with highest alcohol by volume (ABV)