
The Vue CLI-based development build for Venomgram

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Reactive UI built with Vue (with Vue-Router and Vuex), transpiled with Babel, and bundled with Webpack. A painless process with Vue CLI 3. Serves as the front-end for Venomgram, an Instagram clone built with full-stack JavaScript. The server is a REST API built with Node/Express/MongoDB, check that out here.


Home icon - your feed. Displays posts made by people you follow in reverse chronological order.

Magnifying glass icon - explore page. Displays all posts made by people you don't follow and don't have blocked.

Camera icon - upload page. Select an image, give it a caption, and hit 'Submit' to post it.

User icon - your profile page. Update your display picture and bio, handle your account settings, and view pictures you have posted.


In the command line:

git clone https://github.com/ibrahimpg/venomgram-ui.git

cd venomgram-ui

npm install

Now you want to inject your environmental variables (Heroku and Cloudinary URL's) with a .env file. After doing that:

npm run build

Grab the newly created 'dist' folder in your directory and throw it up on Netlify/cPanel/Github Pages or whatever else you use.