
Read manga from your favourites websites on telegram.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Read manga from your favourites websites on telegram.

Current Development Bot


Telegram Channel



start - Usage Info
subs - Your suscriptions
refresh - Reply to a PDF to refresh bot cache
options - Disable/enable pdf, cbz and/or telegraph output format
help - Explain how to use the bot

Env Variables

BOT_TOKEN - Make a bot from @BotFather and enter the token here.

API_ID - Get this value from my.telegram.org

API_HASH - Get this value from my.telegram.org

CACHE_CHANNEL - Channel that will be used to only ask for a chapter once

CHANNEL - [Optional] Create a new channel (public), copy username wihtout t.me/

DATABASE_URL_PRIMARY - [Optional] Will be used as database url. If not given heroku database will be used instead. Get this value from Elephantsql

