A stupid simple Dependency Injection framework for TypeScript in a 2KB package
npm install sugyr
yarn add sugyr
import { ServiceContainer, Service } from 'sugyr';
// create your services with the @Service() decorator. This is required
// in order for Sugyr to determine what the constructor looks like
class LoggingService {
log(message: string, ...args: any[]) {
console.log(message, ...args);
class ScopedService {
constructor(private logger: LoggingService) {}
greet(name: string) {
this.logger.log('Hello, {0}!', name);
const serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer()
// we can add scoped services to the container. This declares that any
// services of this type will be recreated for each injection.
// or we can add a singleton service that will be created on first injection
// and reused acrossed all other injections.
// to get a registered service, we simply call ServiceContainer.getService
const scopedServiceInstance = serviceContainer.getService(ScopedService);
I love Microsoft's Dependency Injection framework and I find myself missing it in every language I write. This was my way of bringing something similar yet also as compact as possible to TypeScript.
Do whatever you want with it.