Binance Masterclass Final Project: Decentralized Charity Funding


The project will empower people who need help to get funded via a decentralized platform. The project is proposing a platform that has three major players includimg the community token holder, the needy who create a donation account, and the donors who are majorly Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and angelic individuals.

Major Players and Jusrisdiction

  • The community token holders: Participate in voting funding profiles
  • The Funding account: Opens donation account on the platform
  • The Donors: People that want to donate to a specific profile.

Decentralization Key Notes

*The platform will be driven by two unique tokens. *The voting token. This token will be used for voting and some other platform activities. The users earn the charity token rewards for using the voting token. *The Charity token will be the actual valuable token. That can be used for actual donation and reward active community members

Code Details

The App is hosted on heroku here .

The charity token contract is available here .

The Voting token contract is available here .

Made With


* HTML for writing the webpage
* CSS for styling
* Javascript to add some behaviour


* Nodejs for server-side logic
* Babel for transpiling
* Express for api routes implementation
* Heroku for hosting services
* Mongodb for the App database
* Swagger for documentation
* IPFS for filestorage
* Solidity for smart contract

Structure of the backend

*The server folder holds the backend code
*The config folder holds the postgress connection configuration
*The controller file holds the code for handling requests processing it through the 
processor queries and returning a transformed result via the transformer file
*The database folder holds the database seeder and migration files
*The middlewares folder holds the middleware files/functions for input validation,
authentication check and authorization checks
*The processor folder holds the files/functions for database queries and return the
result to the controller
*The public folder holds the ui for the apidocs
*The routes folder holds the files for the routes
*The swagger folder holds the files for the swagger documentation
*The tests folder holds the files for integrated tests
*The utils folder holds helper functions often reused accross the app such as the
response transformer function.

Structure of the Smart Contract

* Vote token contract for voting funding accounts
* Charity token contract for actual charity and donation


  • Install Nodejs
  • Clone this repo git clone
  • Run npm install to install the required dependencies
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3300 to lauch the home page

Features of the template

  • Users can Signup and log in on the app.
  • User Can Navigate to their dashboard.
  • User can check their wallet address.
  • User can check their token balance
  • User can check their voteprofile
  • User can swap tokens, BNB for CHT, CHT for VCT and CHT for BNB
  • User can check his vote history
  • User can create fund account
  • User can vote a fund account for activation
  • User can donate to a token account

Available APIs

GET /api/v1/ Welcomes users to the application
POST /api/v1/user/signup Registers a new user on the app
POST /api/v1/user/login Logs in a registered user
GET /api/v1/balance Allows users to check their personal address balance
GET /api/v1/vote Gets user vote profile
GET /api/v1/vote/:address:amount To vote for a particular funding account
Post /api/v1/swap To swap user tokens
Post /api/v1/withdraw To withdraw bnb from wallet
Post /api/v1/fund-account To fund a donation address after activation
Get /api/v1/funding/:address To get a funding account details
Post /api/v1/funding To create a funding account
Get /api/v1/votes To get a user vote history

License and Copyright

© Binance Masterclass Project group 7 Licensed under the MIT License.