Some Infos about script;
Press "Z" For waypoint.
This script working with ESX And QBCore Frameworks.
Resmon Values - None (0.00ms)
GetStreetName = function(coords)
local hashKey = GetStreetNameAtCoord(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)
local streetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(hashKey)
return streetName
CAS = {
DispatchInfo = {
header = "POLICE ALERT", -- Dispatch Header
event = "Fleeca Bank Robbery", -- Dispatch footer
callsign = "Unknown", -- Event Code
forwho = "ambulance", -- For who? police or ems or law etc.
blips = {
blipText = "Fleeca Bank Robbery", -- Blip Name
blipSprite = 153, -- Blip icon
blipColour = 71, -- Blip colour
blipScale = 0.7, -- Blip scale
blipTime = 2, -- minute
RegisterCommand("sign14" ,function() -- example
local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
TriggerServerEvent("cas-sendDispatch",coords, CAS.DispatchInfo, GetStreetName(coords))