
IRMCTrracker server side vote handling mechanism

Primary LanguageJava


IRMCTracker official plugin for handling player votes server-side


You can download the latest build from our jenkins server

Or obviously you can compile your own fork of plugin and put it in your server's ~/plugin folder


Don't forget to update your server_id in config.yml on first installation

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#                                                                                                         # 
#   __  __          _______                         _                   __      __          _             #
#  |  \/  |        |__   __|                       | |                  \ \    / /         | |            #
#  | \  / |   ___     | |     _ __    __ _    ___  | | __   ___   _ __   \ \  / /    ___   | |_    ___    #
#  | |\/| |  / __|    | |    | '__|  / _` |  / __| | |/ /  / _ \ | '__|   \ \/ /    / _ \  | __|  / _ \   #
#  | |  | | | (__     | |    | |    | (_| | | (__  |   <  |  __/ | |       \  /    | (_) | | |_  |  __/   #
#  |_|  |_|  \___|    |_|    |_|     \__,_|  \___| |_|\_\  \___| |_|        \/      \___/   \__|  \___|   #
#                                                                                                         #
#                                                                                          v 1.0.0 - beta #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

# Permissions
# /vote = mctracker.commands.vote

# Your server ID
# You can get your server ID from IRMCTracker discord through ticket or our public API (If you know about it)
server_id: 0

# Main plugin prefix
# Set to "" for disabling prefix
prefix: "&c&lMC&b&lVote &c&l»&r "

# Commands that will get executed on player vote ( Bungee commands are not supported YET! )
# Placeholders:
#   - {player} = Player name
  - "me Player {player} be server vote dad!"
  - "give {player} apple 1"

# Will send this message when player executes '/vote' command
# Placeholders:
# - {vote_url} = Your unique vote URL based on  server_id that you set above
# - {player} = Player name
  - "&bSalam &7{player}"
  - "&bBaraye vote dadan be server bar rooye link zir click konid"
  - "&3Link Vote : &e{vote_url}"
  - "&bHar 24 saat yekbar mitonid vote bedid va jayeze begirid"

# No permission message
no_permission: "&c&lMC&b&lVote >> &cYou don't have permission."

# Player vote check cycle in minutes ( Do not change it if you don't know what is this )
cycle: 2

Before using the plugin

Tested MineCraft Version

  • Paper 1.8.8 (Java 1.8 / Java 1.11)
  • Paper 1.12.2 (Java 1.8 / Java 1.11)
  • Paper 1.13.2 (Java 1.11)
  • Paper 1.16.5 (Java 1.11)
  • Paper 1.17.1 (Java 1.16)

You have any issuess / suggestions??

We're always here to solve your problems or convert your ideas into codes! You can create issues on our official Github Repo or contact us through our discord server

Our Discord

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Pull requests are welcomed. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


All rights are reserved and it is not Open Source or Free. You cannot modify or redistribute this code without explicit permission from the copyright holder