Script that performs the data transformations detailed in the project requirements for the "Getting and cleaning data" course.
Here's how the project requirements map with different parts of the script :
Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set. - lines 8 and 37
Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names. - lines 10, 43 and 68
Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement. - line 31
Merges the training and the test sets to create one data set. - line 52
Creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject. - lines 62 to 71
The script is heavily commented, here I'll just clarify some of the decisions which might seem unclear or peculiar:
After reading the main information in the parent folder, I declare a function (processChunk) that takes care of the low level processing of each of the 2 datasets(test and train). I then apply this function in parallel (using the "parallel" library and the parallel equivalent of lapply - mclapply) over the 2 subfolders. The parallel approach only works on Linux (and possibly Mac, didn't test there) where it's about 30% faster than the serial execution. On Windows it fails back silently to serial execution.
I do not use the merge() to "use descriptive activity names", I created a mapping list instead (id to activity name) and used it as a dictionary (at line 37). Main reason being that I wrote the script before getting to the "merge" lesson in the course. Still seems to me a valid approach and Tim Toady would probably agree.
Instead of using read.csv() or read.table() to read the big X_ datasets I preferred to use scan() to load them into a vector. The reasoning here was: this course is about data cleaning, there might be some gremlins lurking somewhere, it would be easier to flush them out from a vector. I'll know that my vector is clean when:
- it contains only numbers (and possibly NA but not NAN)
- its length equals 561 * number of lines in Y_ - we need to have the same number of observations for X_ and Y_.
Then it's just a question of transforming the vector into a data table. I do this by transforming it first into a matrix. As matrixes are populated the "wrong" way around (columns first), I need to transpose it first and then make it a data.table.
As it turns out I was way too suspicious, a simple read.csv() would have worked too. Oh well.