
getDEE2 R package Python Galaxy Wrapper

Primary LanguagePython

R's getDEE2 Python Wrapper


At the moment the tool is not available in the Galaxy Toolshed. Nonetheless, it can still be used in a local Galaxy instance.

  1. You need to have R installed. How to install R.
  2. Once R is installed, you need to install getDEE2. How to install getDEE2.

The easiest way to make use of the toll is to download the files found under tools/custom_tools code and add them in a sub-folder from the Galaxy Tool folder (i.e. the same way it is named in the repository)

After they are added you just need to add a reference to the tool in an existing section or a new one. Similarly to config/tool_conf.xml.sample

After all these steps are done, the tool should be usable in your local Galaxy instance.


The tool is dependent on rpy2 and pandas.

  • rpy2 is used to create a connection between python and the getDEE2 library
  • pandas is needed because some results from the R DataFrame
    objects are converted to pandas DataFrames


Besides the obvious usage with Galaxy, this tool is fully usable with a command line.

Example usage

dee2.py -f getDEE2 -s ecoli -d "SRR1613487,SRR1613488"

This produces an R SummarizedExperiment object which in turn gets converted to Python classes and can be queried and manipulated.

The way the module is constructed makes it possible to use it as a package too. Just import dee2conn.py and dee2converter.py and you can leverage the full extent of the module.

For example, in R:

x <- getDEE2('ecoli', c("SRR1613487","SRR1613488")

Would produce a table of values

The Python equivalent:

from dee2conn import DEE2

dee2 = DEE2()
dee2.data_set = 'SRR1613487,SRR1613488'
dee2.species = 'ecoli'

# this runs the getDEE2 function
getdee2 = dee2.getDEE2()

# this accesses the same values as the previous R command
colData = getdee2.colData

# this would convert the results to pandas DataFrame for further processing
pd_df = colData.to_pd

All getDEE2 R results are converted to rpy2 objects and then to custom Python classes. The custom classes inherit from base rpy2 classes, thus they ar basically the same. What they offer instead is a more user-friendly usage.

All converted objects can be transformed to Pandas Dataframes for further manipulation.

The module also offers full usability of the R module through Python. By default, R messages are turned off. To see the R shell in progress set supress_r_warnings to False on your DEE2 instance.

Besides the possibility to manipulate data through pandas, the module also offers a convert_to_tsv method which attempts to convert the previously created pandas DataFrames to a CSV file.

Info about getDEE2 functions can be found on the packages' website.