
A curated list of awesome things related to Bootstrap 4 and 5

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Awesome Bootstrap Awesome

A curated list of awesome things related to Bootstrap 4 and 5


Official Resources

Projects created and maintained by Bootstrap's creators

External Resources

Popular external resources for Bootstrap


Stay up to date on the development of Bootstrap and reach out to the community

Dev Tools

Helpful tools for developers to use while developing with Bootstrap

  • Bootlint - HTML linter for Bootstrap projects
  • Bootstrap CDN - The recommended CDN for Bootstrap, Font Awesome, and Bootswatch
  • Bootstrap Loader - Load Bootstrap styles and scripts in your Webpack bundle
  • Bootstrap Studio - A powerful desktop app for creating responsive websites using the Bootstrap framework
  • Pingendo - Design, build and deploy websites with a modern, powerful tool

Components & Libraries

UI Components

Third-party UI Components for Bootstrap


Bootstrap components rewritten to integrate with the popular front-end frameworks

  • reactstrap - Easy to use React Bootstrap 4 components compatible with React
  • React Bootstrap - The most popular front-end framework Rebuilt for React
  • BootstrapVue - Quickly integrate Bootstrap v4 components with Vue.js
  • NG Bootstrap - Angular powered Bootstrap widgets

Templates & Themes


Third-party marketplace websites for Bootstrap based products

  • Wrapbootstrap - Marketplace for premium Bootstrap-based templates
  • BootstrapBay - Bootstrap themes & templates for your next web project

UI Kits

Open source UI Kits based on Bootstrap

  • Bootswatch - Bootswatch is a collection of open source themes for Bootstrap
  • TODC Bootstrap - Open source Google styled theme for Bootstrap
  • Material Kit - Open Source UI Kit for Bootstrap by Creative Tim


Open source Themes & Templates based on Bootstrap

  • AdminKit - Free Bootstrap 5 Admin Template 5️⃣
  • AdminKit Pro - Premium Bootstrap 5 Admin Template 5️⃣
  • Volt - Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template with vanilla Javascript 5️⃣
  • Tabler - Open source dashboard template with responsive and high quality UI based on Bootstrap
  • Material Dashboard - Material Bootstrap 4 Admin template by Creative Tim
  • Argon Dashboard - Dashboard for Bootstrap 4 by Creative Tim
  • Argon Design System - Design System for Bootstrap 4 by Creative Tim
  • AdminLTE - Open source dashboard & control panel theme based on Bootstrap
  • CoreUI - Free Bootstrap Admin Template


Bootstrap starter templates & boilerplates for WordPress

  • UnderStrap - The UnderStrap package allows you to quickly and easily build SEO websites with WordPress
  • Sage - WordPress starter theme with a modern development workflow
  • Bootplate - Wicked-fast, mobile-first Bootstrap 4 theme framework for building awesome WordPress websites