
Simple Reverse Proxy for HTTP(s) resources written on PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


Simple Reverse Proxy for HTTP(s) resources written on PHP


You can test this proxy on your localhost via running "php -S rutracker.php" in examples folder


	include 'Network.class.php';
	include 'HTTPReverseProxy.class.php';
	include 'domworker.php';

	$reverse_url = '';

	$proxy = new HTTPReverceProxy('http://rutracker.org');

	# Add host spoof rules - we want redirect them all to $reverse_url, right?
	$proxy->addHostSpoofRule("rutracker.org", $reverse_url);
	$proxy->addHostSpoofRule("https://rutrk.org", "http://" . $reverse_url);

	# We want proxify rutracker.org and rutrk.org both, because second has
	# Logo and other? RuTracker data
	$proxy->addAlternativeHostMapper(function (HTTPReverceProxy $proxy, int $status, string $url, string $request_url) {
		if ($status == 404) {
			$test_url = "https://rutrk.org";
			if ($url != $test_url.$request_url) {
				$f = $proxy->fakeProxy($test_url);

				if ($f['status'] != 404) {
					$proxy->draw($f['status'], $f['headers'], $f['data']);
					return true;
		return false;

	# Proxy inspection of page and "AdBlock"ing for RuTracker
	$proxy->addCustomInspector(function (&$data) {
		if (strpos($data, '<body') !== false && strpos($data, '</body>') !== false && ($html = @loadHTML($data)) != null) {
			foreach (findAllDOMElements($html, 'iframe') as $iframe) {
				preg_match('#('.implode('|', [
				]).')#', getAttribute($iframe, 'src'), $out);

				if (count($out) > 0) {
			foreach (findDOMElementById($html, 'bn-top-right') as $ads_block) {
			foreach (findAllDOMElements($html, 'div') as $div) {
				if (strpos(getAttribute($div, 'style'), 'padding: 0 0 3px;') !== false) {
			$data = $html->saveHTML();

	# Trying to spoof window.location in JS for cancel wrong client Host
	# detection via replacing window object link and injecting custom script
	$proxy->addCustomInspector(function (&$data) {
		$request_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

		$path = pathinfo($request_url);

		if (@$path['extension'] == 'js') {
			$data = str_replace('window', 'fakeWindow', $data);
			$data = file_get_contents('windowInjector.js').$data;

	# Run proxification (display requested page & etc.)