Task Pro - Task and Project Management

Task Pro is a powerful tool for managing your tasks and projects. It helps you efficiently organize your work, simplify collaboration, and track task progress. With Task Pro, you can better manage your time and tasks.

Key Features

  • Boards: Create boards for your projects, categories, or teams.
  • Tasks: Add and organize your tasks on boards.
  • Task Lists: Distribute tasks into different lists for better structure and organization.
  • Task Details: Include descriptions, deadlines, and files for each task.

Technologies Used


  • HTML/CSS: For the user interface and styling.
  • JavaScript: For interactive features.
  • Axios: For making HTTP requests.
  • React: A JavaScript library for building the user interface.
  • Redux Toolkit: For state management.


  • Node.js: For server-side JavaScript.
  • Express: A web application framework for Node.js.
  • Mongoose: An Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB.
  • Swagger: For API documentation, if applicable.


  • VSCode: The code editor used for development.
  • Figma: For design and prototyping.
  • Git/GitHub: Version control and code collaboration.

Getting Started

To get started with Task Pro, you can visit the web version of the app at Task Pro

Thank you for choosing Task Pro for managing your tasks and projects!