This is a demo code for training IPPO on Multiple-Particle-Environments (MPE).
conda create -n marldemo python=3.7
conda activate marldemo
# install pytorch>=1.8.0 (CUDA>=11.0) manually
git clone
cd MARLDemo
pip install -e .
cd examples
MARL pipeline is shown as follows:
In this repo, there are two ways of instantiating parallel environments: for-loop (naively) and multiprocessing
An environment is typically a class that implements the following interfaces:
class ENV:
def __init__(self, args):
def step(self, action):
"""Execute the action and return information about the environment."""
return obs, state, reward, done, info
def reset(self):
"""Reset the environment."""
return obs, state
def seed(self, seed):
"""Seed the environment."""
def render(self):
"""Render the environment."""
def close(self):
"""Close the environment."""