
Simple Image Search powered by Multimodal Foundation Models (OpenAI Clip and Microsoft GLIP)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fast and Easy Image Search

Develope an image search application that uses multimodal foundation models to search for highly accurate and relevant results instantly.


General Requirements

Create a Conda environment and install the required packages:

conda create -n image-search python=3.10
pip install -r requirements.txt

Check out PyTorch page for the installation guide for your system. For example, I installed torch-1.13.1+cu116 torchaudio-0.13.1+cu116 torchvision-0.14.1+cu116 for my CUDA environment.

pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116

Install FAISS

Install faiss from conda-forge (details) for 100x faster vector distance search.

# CPU version
conda install -c conda-forge faiss-cpu

# GPU version
conda install -c conda-forge faiss-gpu

Install GLIP

We found GLIP helpful at improving the precision of image search, but it is optional. You can launch this app without intalling GLIP. GLIP has strict requirements on the environment (e.g. PyTorch 1.9.1 and CUDA 11.1).

Pull the submodule:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Install dependencies and build the package:

sh .install_glip.sh

Run a local app

Here is the system design of the image search app: System Design


You can try searching with your own photos. That will be more fun! If you don’t have images to try on. I prepared a subset of ImageNet with 10,000 samples. You can download them here.

We manage the paths to the data directory and indexed file path in app/constants.py. You can change the paths to your own data directory and indexed file path.

Launch the app

The local app is a simple web app that allows you to select a dataset and type a query to search:

Local app

Before you run the app, make sure you've prepared the dataset and set up the right path with DATA_DIR variable in app/constants.py.

You can run the local app by executing the following command:

sh execute.sh

Optimized Implementation

Run indexer first for faster image feature retrieval:

python app/indexer.py



We evaluated the performance of both systems using 20 image search queries. First, we generated candidate queries with ChatGPT, and then hand-picked the ones that were suitable. We report the performance metrics of the CLIP and CLIP+GLIP systems in the table below.

Precision 0.567 0.685
Mean Reciprocal Rank 0.775 0.778
Average Precision 0.639 0.719


We conducted a benchmark study to measure the latency of image search using different implementations, hardware, and image sample sizes. The results are presented below. To ensure stable measurements, we prepared 10 search queries and ran each query three times. We then calculated the average latency required to search through the entire image set per query.

Model Search Time (sec) Image Sample Size Device
CLIP (OpenAI) 15.751 1000 MacBook Pro M1 Max
CLIP (Optimized) 0.035 1000 MacBook Pro M1 Max
CLIP (OpenAI) 4.287 1000 A4000 GPU
CLIP (Optimized) 0.005 1000 A4000 GPU
CLIP (Optimized) 0.0076 10000 A4000 GPU
CLIP (OpenAI) 8.660 1000 Nvidia P100
CLIP (Optimized) 0.0073 1000 Nvidia P100
CLIP (Optimized) 0.0085 10000 Nvidia P100
GLIP 0.418 1 Nvidia P100