
An (imperfect) implementation of wide resnets and Parseval regularization

Primary LanguagePython


This repository is the result of my universtity project with the goal to implement some of the models and reproduce some of the results from the Parseval networks paper. The main idea of the paper is to control the Lipschitz norm of the model by enforcing weight matrices to be nearly orthognal and having a spectral norm of 1.

NOTE: There are some unintended differences between the original models and those implemented here. The Wide ResNet implementation has a bit worse performance than the original implementation. The results of the experiments are in section 3 in this report (it's in Croatian).

Code structure

Due to time constraints and abandonment, the code (especially the outer parts of it) is not very well designed and is undocumented. Here is a directory tree describing some parts of the code:

├── cleverhans  # code for adversarial examples, copied from https://github.com/tensorflow/cleverhans
├── data
│   ├── dataset_dir.py
│   ├── dataset.py
│   └── loaders.py
├── models
│   |── tf_utils
│   |   ├── __init__.py
│   |   ├── layers.py  # functions for parts of tensorflow models
│   |   ├── losses.py
│   |   ├── regularization.py
│   |   ├── update_ops.py  # here the orthogonality retraction step is defined
│   |   └── variables.py
|   ├── abstract_model.py
│   ├── parseval_resnet.py
│   └── resnet.py
├── processing
├── ioutils
├── visualization
├── data_utils.py  # abstractions for the `data` module
├── dirs.py  # filesystem paths
├── standard_resnets.py  # resnet factory
├── training.py  # `train` function
├── display_adversarial_examples_by_eps.py
├── display_adversarial_examples.py
├── load_wrn_test.py
├── plot_adversarial_robustness.py
├── plot_classification_error_curves.py
├── train_wrn_pars.py
├── train_wrn_pars_test.py
├── train_wrn.py
└── train_wrn_test.py

The parts of code specific to Parseval resnets are the convex combination function in code/models/tf_utils/layers.py, which is used in the residual_block function in the same file, and the ortho_retraction_step function in code/models/tf_utils/update_ops.py, which is used in code/models/parseval_resnet.py.


code/dirs.py requires that a directories matching the following regular expressions exist ('.' and '/' are not escaped for readability).

.(/..)+/data/datasets    # some ancestor directory contains `data/datasets`
.(/..)+/data/models    # some ancestor directory contains `data/models`

Dataset directory

The <ancestor>/data/datasets directory (stored in the dirs.DATASETS variable in code/dirs.py) needs to contain the required datasets. For example, for CIFAR-10 it needs to contain this directory subtree:

├── batches.meta
├── data_batch_1
├── data_batch_2
├── data_batch_3
├── data_batch_4
├── data_batch_5
└── test_batch

Saved trained models directory

The <ancestor>/data/models directory (stored in the dirs.SAVED_MODELS variable in code/dirs.py) is used for saving trained model parameters and training and evaluation information.



To train a model, run one of the following scripts:

train_wrn.py <depth> <width>
train_wrn_test.py <depth> <width>
train_wrn_pars.py <depth> <width>
train_wrn_pars_test.py <depth> <width>

The scripts containing "pars" are for training Parseval wide resnets. The scripts containing "test" are for training on the whole CIFAR-10 training test and testing on the test set, whereas those without "test" are for training on 80% of the training set and validation on the remaining 20% of the training set. Example: python train_wrn_test.py 28 10 trains a WRN-28-10 on CIFAR-10-train.


To test a saved trained model, you need to modify (because saved model names are hardcoded) and run one of the following scripts:


You can also try these (which also need to be modified):
