
Vision Deep Learning Utilities. A PyTorch-based framework that I am using for research. Work in progress.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

ViDLU: Vision Deep Learning Utilities

A deep learning framework for research with emphasis on computer vision, based on PyTorch. Many parts are experimental or incomplete.

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This repository contains

  1. a machine learning framework, mostly based on PyTorch,
  2. a set of datasets, models and training configurations (as part of the framework), and
  3. a set of scripts that use it.


Note: pip install is usually not recommended outside a virtual environment. To install the required packages, it is probably best to use the package manager that you usually use.

No installation. You can make a local copy and install dependencies with

git clone https://github.com/Ivan1248/vidlu.git
cd vidlu
pip install -r requirements.txt

Pip installation. Alternatively, you can install the package with

pip install git+https://github.com/Ivan1248/vidlu

Main scripts

The "scripts" directory contains scripts that use the framework. run.py can run experiments and dirs.py contains directory paths.

Directory configuration

scripts/dirs.py searches for and stores directory paths for datasets, cache, results and other data in the following variables:

  • datasets: list[Path] can point to multiple directories, each of which can contain dataset directories.
  • cache: Path points to a directory for caching data.
  • pretrained: Path points to a directory for pre-trained parameters.
  • experiments: Path points to a directory for experiment results. The directory saved_states = experiments / "states" is automatically created for storing intermediate and complete training states.

It might be easiest to create the following directory structure. Symbolic links can be useful.

├─ .../vidlu/scripts/dirs.py
└─ data
   ├─ cache
   ├─ datasets
   ├─ experiments  # subdirectories created automatically
   │  └─ states
   └─ pretrained

"<ancestor>/data" is found automatically if "<ancestor>" is an ancestor directory of dirs.py. Otherwise, the environment variable VIDLU_DATA should point to the "data" directory.

The "cache" directory should preferably be on an SSD. "datasets" and other directories, can be a slower disk. Data from "datasets" is not accessed after being cached.

Alternatively, the paths can be defined through multiple environment variables: VIDLU_DATASETS, VIDLU_CACHE, VIDLU_PRETRAINED, and VIDLU_EXPERIMENTS.

Running experiments

scripts/run.py is a general script for running experiments.

The train command is chosen by running python run.py train .... It creates an Experiment instance from command line arguments and directory paths from dirs.py. The Experiment constructor creates a Trainer instance using factories from vidlu.factories. The train command runs evaluation and training. Interrupted or completed experiments can be continued/reevaluated using the --resume (-r) argument. The command can have the following structure:

run.py train DATA INPUT_ADAPTER MODEL TRAINER [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--metrics METRICS] [-e EXPERIMENT_SUFFIX] [-r [{strict,?,best,restart}]]

There is also a test command that accepts almost the same arguments and can be used for standard evaluation or running a custom procedure that can optionally accept the Experiment instance as one of its arguments.

scripts/train_cifar.py is a specific example where it is easier to tell what is happening. Running python train_cifar.py is equivalent to running the following training with modified hyperparameters.

python run.py train \
    "Cifar10{trainval,test}" "id" \  # data
    "models.ResNetV1,backbone_f=t(depth=18,small_input=True,block_f=t(norm_f=None))" \  # model
    "ct.resnet_cifar,lr_scheduler_f=ConstLR,epoch_count=50,jitter=None"  # training

Note the example has some changes with respect to the default CIFAR-10 configuration: disabled batchnorm, constant learning rate, 50 epochs, disabled jittering.

The framework

Some of the main packages in the framework are vidlu.data, vidlu.modules, vidlu.models, vidlu.training, vidlu.metrics, vidlu.factories, vidlu.configs, vidlu.utils and vidlu.experiment.

Most of the code here is generic except for concrete datasets in vidlu.data.datasets, hyperparameter configurations and other data in vidlu.configs, concrete models in vidlu.models, some modules in vidlu.modules.components, and vidlu.experiments, which applies the framework for training and evaluation.


vidlu.data defines types Record, Dataset and PyTorch DataLoader-based types. There are also many concrete datasets in vidlu.data.datasets.

Record is an ordered key-value mapping that supports lazy evaluation of values. It can be useful when not all fields of dataset examples need to be loaded.

Dataset is the base dataset class. It has a set of useful methods for manipulation and caching (advanced indexing, concatenation, map, filter, ...).

DataLoader inherits DataLoader from PyTorch and changes its default_collate so that it supports elements of type Record.

Modules (model components) and models

vidlu.modules contains implementations of various modules and functions (elements, components, heads, losses) and useful procedures for debugging, extending and manipulating modules. The modules (inheriting Module) support shape inference like in e.g. MXNet and MagNet (an initial run in necessary for initialization).

try_get_module_name_from_call_stack enables getting the name of the current module.

Seq is an alternative for Sequential which supports splitting, joining, and other things. Many modules are based on it. deep-split (accepting a path to some inner module) and deep_join can work on composite models that are designed based on Sequential.

with_intermediate_outputs can be used for extracting intrmediate outputs without changing the module. It uses register_forward_hook (and thus requires appropriately designed models).

For many elementary modules which can be invertible, the inverse property returns its inverse module. The inverse is defined either via a make_inverse or inverse_forward. A Seq which consists of only invertible modules (like Identity, Permute, FactorReshape, ...) is automatically invertible. Without a change in the interface, invertible modules also support optional computation and propagation of the logarithm of volume change necessary for normalizing flows.

vidlu.modules.pert_models defines parametrized perturbation models that use independent parameters for each input in the mini-batch or mixe data between inputs.

vidlu.modules.losses contains loss functions.

Composite modules are designed to be "deeply" configurable: arguments of arguments that are factories/constructors for child modules can be modified. Names of such factory arguments usually end with _f. If a default argument is a function, its arguments can be accessed and modified using vidlu.utils.func, which relies on inspect.signature and functools.partial. vidlu.utils.func defines tree data structures and procedures that enable eays modification of deeply nested arguments.

vidlu.models contains implementations of some models. Model classes are mostly wrappers around more general modules defined in vidlu.modules.components and heads defined in vidlu.modules.heads. They also perform initialization of parameters. Some implementad architectures are ResNet-v1, ResNet-v2, Wide ResNet, DenseNet, i-RevNet, SwiftNet, Ladder-DenseNet1.

1: There might be some unintended differences to the original code.


vidlu.training defines procedural machine learning algorithm components.

EpochLoop (based on Engine from Ignite) is used for running training or evaluation loops. The iteration step procedure is an argument to the constructor. It raises events before and after the loop and the iteration step.

Trainer defines a full machine learning algorithm. It has train and eval methods. Some of its more important attributes (components) are: model, eval_batch_size (E), metrics (E), eval_step (E), loss (L), batch_size (L), jitter (L), train_step (L), extensions (L), epoch_count (O), optimizer (O), lr_scheduler (O), data_loader_f (D). E denotes evaluation components, which do not affect training, L learning components, and O learning components mostly related to optimization.

CheckpointManager is used for storing and loading the state of a trainer (and some other things) in the file system.

vidlu.training.steps defines training and evaluation steps. Instances of step classes (inheriting BaseStep) have a __call__ method that accepts a Trainer instance and a data batch. Training steps can be stateful and might need to define state_dict and load_state_dict methods. There are steps of different supervised, adversarial, semi-supervised, normalizing flow, and some hybrid algorithms.


vidlu.factories contains the factories that can create model, data, learning, and evaluation components from strings representing Python expressions (which can be provided through the command line). Note that it uses Python's eval extensively.

get_prepared_data_for_trainer accepts a string containing the names of the datasets (with subset names) and code of an arbitrary transformations applied to them (using Dataset's methods, vidlu.data.utils.dataset_ops, vidlu.transforms, torchvision.transforms...). It also requires datasets_dir and cache_dir, which represent paths to root directories for datasets and cache. It returns a sequence of Dataset instances with the transformations applied. The returned Dataset instances also convert images and labels to PyTorch Tensor instances. They also scale images to range [0..1] and transpose them to the CHW format.

get_model (among other arguments) accepts a string containing the name of the model and a list of arguments. The list of arguments is separated by a comma from the model name. The model name should be either (1) a symbol from vidlu.models, (2) a symbol reachable through module located in paths listed in the VIDLU_EXTENSIONS environment variable, (3) a Pytorch Hub identifier that can be given to torch.hub.load. The list of arguments can contain argument trees constructed by nesting calls to the ArgTree constructor (t is a short alias), or other appropriate UpdaTree classes. Some other arguments that get_model accepts are input_adapter_str (a string defining input pre-processing), prep_dataset (prepared dataset used for getting possible problem-specific information and inputs for model initialization) and device.

get_trainer accepts a string representing an argument list for the TrainingConfig constructor and a model. Keyword arguments can be defined as trees (appropriate instances of UpdaTree from vidlu.utils.func) that are used to update (without mutation) TrainingConfig elements and objects within.

Custom modules can be made available for use in string expressions using extensions.

Training configurations

Training hyperparameter configurations can be defined using the TrainerConfig class from vidlu.configs.training. The TrainingConfig constructor accepts 0 or more TrainingConfig instances as positional arguments and keyword arguments that correspond to parameters of the Trainer constructor. New configurations can be created by extending updating previously defined ones.

Optimizer configurations can be defined using OptimizerMaker, which stores all optimizer information while being decoupled from model parameters. In contrast to optimizers from torch.optim and vidlu.optim it stores module names instead of parameters. An optimizer instance can be created by calling an instance of OptimizerMaker with the model as the argument.

vidlu.configs.training contains many examples of configurations for things such as classification, semantic segmentation, adversarial training, semi-supervised learning, invertible models, ...


vidlu.experiment defines a program for creating and running experiments. It uses vidlu.factories to create a Trainer, it defines training and evaluation loop actions such as evaluation of performance metrics from vidlu.metrics, printing, logging, checkpoint management, user interaction (command execution and training/evaluation step output inspection), and training time estimation.


Vidlu enables extensions using the naming convention approach. Installed packages or other packages found in directories in the PYTHONPATH environment variable with names prefixed with "vidlu_" are loaded and made available in the extensions dictionary in the vidlu.extensions module, but the prefix is removed. Extensions are also directly available for expression arguments for factories in vidlu.factories.

Commonly used utilities

In many places in the code, some parameter names end with _f. This means that the argument is not a final object but a factory (hence _f). E.g. block_f() should produce a block instance. This is to allow more flexibility while keeping signatures short. Here the combination of such a design with ArgTree and tree_partial (analogue of functools.partial) allows flexible functional modification of any set of parameters of nested functions.

def make_swallow(..., type='european'): ...

def make_flock(..., load=None, swallow_f=make_swallow): ...

def eu(..., flock_f=make_flock):
    flock = flock_f(...)

from vidlu.utils.func import ArgTree as t
au = tree_partial(eu, flock_f=t(load='coconut', swallow_f=t(type='african')))