Arduino Elevator Source code for AP computing Prototype Elevator project.
Program operates a 3 story minature elevator. It changes the polarity of two pins to contol the direction
and recieves input from touch sensors to indecate that is has reached a floor. It also controls and responds
apropriatly to a user interface which consist of interior and exterion tactile push buttons
(All are on the curcuit board). It controls LED's to indicate what floor it was on.
Arduino Elevator Source code for AP computing Prototype Elevator project. Program operates a 3 story minature elevator. It changes the polarity of two pins to contol the direction and recieves input from touch sensors to indecate that is has reached a floor. It also controls and responds apropriatly to a user interface which consist of interior and exterion tactile push buttons (All are on the curcuit board). It controls LED's to indicate what floor it was on.