
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SignNow API client v1.3.1

SignNow REST Service Wrapper

MIT License

Table of Contents

  1. About SignNow
  2. API Contact Information
  3. API and Application
  4. Installation
  5. Documentation
  6. Examples
  7. Unit Tests
  8. License
  9. Additional Contact Information

About SignNow

SignNow is a powerful web-based e-signature solution that streamlines the signing process and overall document flow for businesses of any size. SignNow offers SaaS as well as public and private cloud deployment options using the same underlying API. With SignNow you can easily sign, share and manage documents in compliance with international data laws and industry-specific regulations. SignNow enables you to collect signatures from partners, employees and customers from any device within minutes.

API Contact Information

If you have questions about the SignNow API, please visit https://help.signnow.com/docs or email api@signnow.com.

See additional contact information at the bottom.

API and Application

Resources Sandbox Production
API: api-eval.signnow.com:443 api.signnow.com:443
Application: https://app-eval.signnow.com https://app.signnow.com
Entry page: https://eval.signnow.com


@signnow/api-client supports node.js v6.4.0 or later.

To install the latest version of @signnow/api-client run:

npm install @signnow/api-client


See api reference in our Documentation.


To run the examples you will need an API key. You can get one here https://www.signnow.com/api. For a full list of accepted parameters, refer to the SignNow REST Endpoints API guide: https://help.signnow.com/docs.

Every resource is accessed via your api client instance:

const api = require('@signnow/api-client')({
  production: false, // if false uses eval server

Every resource returns two parameters. The first param contains any errors and the second contains the results.


Create a User

  first_name: 'John',
  last_name: 'Wayne',
  email: 'john@domain.com',
  password: 'yourpwd',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Retrieve User Information

  token: 'your auth token',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

OAuth 2.0

Request Access Token

  username: 'username',
  password: 'password',
}, function(err, res){
  // handle error or process response data

Verify an Access Token

  token: 'your auth token',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data


Retrieve a List of the User’s Documents

  token: 'your auth token',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Retrieve a Document Resource

  token: 'your auth token',
  id: 'document id',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Download a Collapsed Document

  token: 'your auth token',
  id: 'document id',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Upload Document

  token: 'your auth token',
  filepath: 'path to file',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Upload File & Extract Fields

  token: 'your auth token',
  filepath: 'path to file',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Update Document (add fields)

const fields = {
  texts: [
      size: 8,
      x: 61,
      y: 72,
      page_number: 0,
      font: 'Arial',
      data: 'sample text',
      line_height: 9.075,

  token: 'your auth token',
  id: 'document id',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Create Invite to Sign a Document

const fieldInvite = {
  document_id: 'DOCUMENT_ID_GOES_HERE',
  from: 'EMAIL_OF_SENDER',
  to: [
      email: 'EMAIL_OF_SIGNER',
      role: 'Signer 1',
      role_id: 'ROLE_ID', // can be discovered in document details
      order: 1,
      reassign: '0',
      decline_by_signature: '0',
      reminder: 4,
      expiration_days: 27,
      subject: 'Field invite Signer1',
      message: 'Message',

  data: {
  token: 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Create Free Form Invite

  token: 'your auth token',
  id: 'document id',
  data: {
    from: 'email address',
    to: 'email address',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Cancel Field Invite to Sign a Document

  token: 'your auth token',
  id: 'document id',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Create a One-time Use Download URL

  token: 'your auth token',
  id: 'document id',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Merge Existing Documents

  token: 'your auth token',
  name: 'the merged doc',
  document_ids: [
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Get Document History

  token: 'your auth token',
  id: 'document id',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Remove Document

  token: 'your auth token',
  id: 'document id',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data


Add Enumeration Field to a Document

  token: 'your auth token',
  document_id: 'document id',
  x: 150,
  y: 200,
  width: 200,
  height: 50,
  page_number: 0,
  role: 'buyer',
  required: true,
  label: 'Clothing Brand',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Add Enumeration Options to the Field

  token: 'your auth token',
  enumeration_options: [
      enumeration_id: '8a3501896160b12d4ef7507a81b2f0998b8137b1',
      data: 'Active',
      enumeration_id: '8a3501896160b12d4ef7507a81b2f0998b8137b1',
      data: 'Old Navy',
      enumeration_id: '8a3501896160b12d4ef7507a81b2f0998b8137b1',
      data: 'Volcom',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data


Create a Template

By default original document is not removed after template creation. To remove original document set removeOriginalDocument option to true.

  token: 'your auth token',
  document_id: 'document id',
  document_name: 'my template',
  options: {
    removeOriginalDocument: true, // false by default
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Duplicate a Template

  token: 'your auth token',
  id: 'document id',
  name: 'my template',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Create Invite to Sign a Template

const fieldInvite = {
  from: 'EMAIL_OF_SENDER',
  to: [
      email: 'EMAIL_OF_SIGNER',
      role: 'Signer 1',
      order: 1,
      reassign: '0',
      decline_by_signature: '0',
      reminder: 4,
      expiration_days: 27,
      subject: 'Field invite Signer1',
      message: 'Message',

  data: {
  token: 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Create Free Form Invite from Template

  token: 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN',
  data: {
    from: 'EMAIL_OF_SENDER',
    to: 'EMAIL_OF_SIGNER',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data


Returns a list of folders

  token: 'your auth token',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Returns a list of documents inside a folder

Filters Values
signing-status waiting-for-me, waiting-for-others, signed, pending
document-updated new Date()
document-created new Date()
Sort Values
document-name asc/desc
updated asc/desc
created asc/desc
  token: 'your auth token',
  id: 'folder id',
  filter: [
      'signing-status': 'pending',
  sort: {
    'document-name': 'asc',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data


Returns a list of Webhooks

  token: 'your auth token',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Create a Webhook

Events Description
document.create Webhook is triggered when a document is uploaded to users account in SignNow
document.update Webhook is triggered when a document is updated (fields added, text added, signature added, etc.)
document.delete Webhook is triggered when a document is deleted from
invite.create Webhook is triggered when an invitation to a SignNow document is created.
invite.update Webhook is triggered when an invite to SignNow document is updated. Ex. A signer has signed the document.
  token: 'your auth token',
  event: 'document.create',
  callback_url: 'http://www.domain.com/path',
}, (err, res) => {
  // handle error or process response data

Promisify methods

If you are using node.js version 8.0.0 or higher you can use built in promisify utility:

const { promisify } = require('util');
const api = require('@signnow/api-client')({
  production: false, // if false uses eval server
const requestToken = promisify(api.oauth2.requestToken);

  username: 'username',
  password: 'password',
  .then(res => {
    // process response data
  .catch(err => {
    // handle error

Unit Tests

To run the unit test you will need to install "Mocha" and "Chai". You also need to edit a test.settings.js in the test folder of the api client module. The file need to contain the following:

exports.settings = {
  token: '[ACCESS TOKEN]',
  username: '[SIGNNOW USERNAME]',
  password: '[SIGNNOW PASSWORD]',
  documentid: '[EXISTING DOCUMENT ID]',
  templateid: '[EXISTING TEMPLATE ID]',
  folderid: '[EXISTING FOLDER ID]',
  testemail: '[TO EMAIL FOR INVITE]',


This project is released under the MIT License.

Additional Contact Information


To contact SignNow support, please email support@signnow.com.


For pricing information, please call (800) 831-2050 or email sales@signnow.com.