
Chatbot for Twitter Customer Support. A Seq2seq Neural Network with Multiplicative Attention mechanism implemented in TensorFlow 2.

Primary LanguagePython


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Attention-based Chatbot for Twitter Customer Support.

This is a Chatbot for Twitter Customer Support. It is implemented as a Seq2seq RNN with Multiplicative Attention mechanism.

Data have been taken from Kaggle's Customer Support on Twitter dataset. This dataset comprehends tweet exchanges from multiple companies. Each company requires a different model implementation.

How it works

The model implemented is a Seq2Seq Neural Network with LSTM layers and Luong's Multiplicative Attention. It is written in TensorFlow 2.1 and optimized with Autograph. The model is character-based, i.e. single characters are tokenized and predicted. Training is implemented with teacher forcing.

Structure of the Repository


  • /data_raw: uncompressed raw dataset must be pasted here.
  • /data_processed: all pre-processed observations will be saved in /Training, /Validation and /Test sub-folders. It contains also .yaml dictionaries to translate from token (character) to vector; their naming convention is char2idx_{company}.yaml.
  • /dataprep: contains all data preprocessing scripts, with names as dataprep_{company}.py.
  • /tools: useful functions to be iterated in dataprep. One main tools.py module contains functions used for all models. For more company-specific tools other modules are available as tools_{company}.py.
  • /saved_models: where trained models are saved and/or loaded after launching train.py.
  • /talk: contains a list of scripts to be called from terminal to chat with a trained model. Naming convention is still talk_{company}.py.


  • config.yaml: main configuration file. Every hyperparameter and model choice can be decided here.
  • model.py: model implementation.
  • train.py: model training. The company's model and the data to be trained on can be chosed from config.yaml.





  • Luong, Minh-Thang, Hieu Pham, and Christopher D. Manning. "Effective approaches to attention-based neural machine translation." arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.04025 (2015).

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