
Context for Bottery

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A Bottery Extension - Context and flow management for your bots views

🔋 Bottery - a framework for building bots

Build Status

# quick example of a input bot
On an Application:
app = App()
ch = ContextHandler(app)

On Patterns:
hang_user_pattern = HangUserPattern(example_view)
input.set_hang(hang_user_pattern, 'project')
patterns = [
    Pattern('project', example_view),

On a View:
def notebook_view(message):
    words = shlex.split(message.text)
    command = words[0]
    params = None
    result = _(
        'Sorry. I cannot understand you. Type notebook for a list of options.')
    if len(words) > 1:
        params = words[1:]
    if command == 'notebook':
        result = _('Welcome to notebooks Application! \n'
                   'Type "list" to view your notebooks \n'
                   'Type "add" "name" to add a notebook \n'
                   'Type "exit" to get out off application \n')
        if params:
            if params[0] in ['list', 'add']:
                command = params[0]
                if len(params) > 1:
                    params = params[1:]
                    params = []

    if command == 'list':
        notebooks = session.query(Notebook).all()
        result = [str(n.id) + ' - ' + n.name for n in notebooks]
        result = '\n'.join(result)
    elif command == 'add':
        if params:
            notebook = Notebook(params[0])
            result = _('Notebook ') + notebook.name + \
                _(' added!')
            result = _('Error! Parameter "name" not entered.')
    elif command == 'exit':
        result = _('Exiting...')

    return result

The complete example is packaged within this repository. The extension could manage user context, any information desired, and also forward between views. The tests and an example application(with master-detail/composite behavior) demonstrates the usage.


Just import it on a bottery project.

# On bottery app
from botteryext.bcontext.contexthandler import ContextHandler
import botteryext.bcontext.localizations

app = App()
ch = ContextHandler(App)

# On patterns.py
from botteryext.bcontext.patterns import HangUserPattern
hang_user_pattern = HangUserPattern(aview)
ih.set_hang(hang_user_pattern, 'apattern')

patterns = [
    Pattern('apattern', input_example),
# On views
from app import ch

REFER to examples and tests for more information


$ git clone https://github.com/IvanBrasilico/bcontext.git
$ cd bcontext
$ pip install -e . # optional, you can just put botteryext folder inside your project

Creating a project

Refer to bottery documentation