A simple Web Service for a Tour Agency
Система Турагентство Заказчик выбирает и оплачивает Тур (отдых,экскурсия, шоппинг). Турагент определяет тур как «горящий»,размеры скидок постоянным клиентам.
- Creating/editing tours
- Enabling/disabling tours
- Purchases
- Login/registration
- Two roles: user, tour agent
- Personal discounts
- Servlet
- JQuery
- Maven, Bower
- Maven
- Bower
Before building and running you should have bower installed
You can change login credentials in webapp/META-INF/context.xml
If it doesn't work you should try modify resources/database.properties
(just leaving this there in case I would use this file in the future and
would forget to update README.md)
The repository ship with tomcat7 maven plugin, so you could run the
application simply doing:
mvn install mvn tomcat7:run