Retail Website API project is a REST API for applying discounts to a given bill based on the type of user type (fixed percentage) and the amount of the total bill (fixed amount). The discounts are applied as follows:
- Employees have a percentage discount - 30%.
- Affiliates have a percentage discount - 10%.
- Loyal customers (customers from over 2 years) have a percentage discount - 5%.
- Fixed discount for every 100$ on the bill, a 5$ discount is applied
- Percentage discounts are not applied to grocery products
- Only 1 percentage discount is applied (the highest one)
The Retail Website API project is written in Java and the API is based on the Spring framework with some of the core things used in this project are:
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security with JWT
- Spring Data JPA
In order to start the application perform the following steps:
- Clone the repository
- Open the root project folder and execute
./mvnw spring-boot:run
In order to run the unit tests perform the following steps:
- Clone the repository
- Open the root project folder and execute
./mvn test
After that a report is generated under ./target/site/jacoco/*.html
Endpoint for app applying a discount for a given bill. Example request:
"name": "Tesla Model 3",
"price": "35000",
"itemType": "TECH",
"description": "Best car ever"
"count": 1
Example response:
"purchases": [
"item": {
"name": "Tesla Model 3",
"price": 35000,
"itemType": "TECH",
"description": "Best car ever"
"count": 1
"totalPrice": 26250
Endpoint for registring a user. Example request:
"username": "ElonMusk",
"password": "LoveSpace123",
"roles": ["ADMIN", "LOYAL"]
Endpoint for obtaining a signed JWT. Example request:
"username": "admin",
"password": "admin"
Example response:
"username": "admin",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiIsInJvbGVzIjpbIkFGRklMSUFURSIsIkxveWFsIl0sImlhdCI6MTU2Mjc4NjYzNCwiZXhwIjoxNTYyNzk2NjM0fQ.df4_kEOyjFA6WzqJwqEct2tz0GAk6QfwgdQ-PpPO57E"