
My attempts at reaching 100% test accuracy on the MNIST dataset

Primary LanguagePython

MNIST Destroyer

My attempts at reaching 100% test accuracy on the MNIST dataset


To start traning any of the models run the following command

python3 main.py [mlp|conv|resnet50|resnet50_finetuned] 

The following parameters are avaibale for tuning throught the CMD using the options: learning_rate, batch_size and epochs

python3 main.py [mlp|conv|resnet50|resnet50_finetuned] --learning_rate=0.001 --batch_size=128 --epochs=10 

MLP implementation with numpy (mlp)

In this module, you will find a numpy implementation of a classic MLP with the following architecture:

Input -> 128 -> 64 -> 32 -> 10 relu relu relu softmax

Model implementation:

  • Input normalization
  • He (for ReLU) and Xavier (for Softmax) parameter initializations
  • Forward and Backward propagation with Categorical Cross-Entropy Loss function
  • ReLU and Softmax (for the last layer) activations
  • Optimization (choose only one):
    • Mini-batch gradient descent
    • Momentum
    • Adam
  • Learning rate decay
  • Regularization:
    • L2
    • Dropout

CNN implementation with numpy

Work in Progress

CNN implementation with tensorflow (conv)

ConvNet with the following architecture:

Input -> Conv2D -> BatchNorm -> ReLU -> MaxPool -> Conv2D -> BatchNorm -> ReLU -> MaxPool -> Conv2D -> BatchNorm -> ReLU -> MaxPool -> Flatten -> Dense -> SoftMax

ResNet50 implemented with tensorflow (resnet50)

Tensorflow implementation of ResNet50:

Input -> Conv2D -> BatchNorm -> ReLU -> MaxPool -> ConvBlock -> 2xIdentityBlock -> ConvBlock -> 3xIdentityBlock -> ConvBlock -> 5xIdentityBlock -> ConvBlock -> 2xIdentityBlock -> AvgPool -> Flatten -> Softmax

ResNet50 pretrained on ImageNet dataset (resnet50_finetuned)

Fine-tuning a ResNet50 model pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset