
test backend

Primary LanguagePython

Test Backend Tauros

Technology Stack

Django framework 3.0.7

Django rest framework 3.11



Git Flow

Install Project

1. Create virtual enviroment
    `virtualenv -p python3 env`

2. Activate enviroment
    `source env/bin/activate`

3. Clone the project and run the next commands.

4. Install all the requirements
    `pip install -r requirements/development.txt`

5. Makemigrations [If not exists]
    `python manage.py makemigrations`

6. Migrate the migrations
    `python manage.py migrate`

7. Create super user
    `python manage.py createsuperuser`

8. run server
    `python manage.py runserver`

## Note:
    Download the file .env

Documentation Endpoints

API Documentation Tauros