
Bare-bones VS Code plugin for Clojure

Primary LanguageClojure


Bare-bones VS Code plugin for Clojure

alt text

Please, don't be confused if 'bb' reminds you the babashka project - it's just a coincidence, abbreviation for bare-bones


  • code formatting allowing custom rules (used cljstyle)
  • eval forms in REPL opened in integrated terminal
  • load file & switch namespace
  • show symbol definition link

Create installation package

npm run package

Then open VS Code plugins list and select Install from VSIX



Add zero-character-prefixed prompt to used lein profile (or :user for common use)

 :repl-options {:prompt (fn [ns] (str (char 0) ns "=> "))

Open integrated terminal and start lein repl with this profile and redirect its output to repl-output-processor (file locates in extension folder)

lein with-profile +whidbey,+bb repl | $HOME/.vscode/extensions/ivana.bb-clj-0.1.0/repl-output-processor

Clojure CLI

Create file expect-clj with followed content

spawn clojure -e "(clojure.main/repl :init #(apply require clojure.main/repl-requires) :prompt #(print (str (char 0) (ns-name *ns*) \"=> \")))"

make it executable

chmod +x ./expect-clj

Open integrated terminal and start clojure cli repl via this file and redirect its output to repl-output-processor

./expect-clj | $HOME/.vscode/extensions/ivana.bb-clj-0.1.0/repl-output-processor

Set cursor near some Clojure code form and enjoy the bb-clj: Run Form in Active Terminal command

YouTube stream about it (in russian)