
bare bones debugger for Clojure

Primary LanguageClojure

BB debug

Bare bones debugger for Clojure, do not need any special IDE or editor - just only REPL.

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com.github.Ivana-/bb-debug {:git/url "https://github.com/Ivana-/bb-degug.git"
                            :sha "cf8f92c17162234f1ba299f4ea723c3c756ec280"}


Two macroses, dbg and dbg-all, allows to set up single/multiple named/unnamed perpetual/conditional breakpoints in your Clojure code.

Two another macroses, inspect and watch, allows to inspect any Clojure values, even lazy ones, statically and dynamically on debug session.

dbg-all* macro expands multiple breakpoint forms and pretty-prints it with highlighted breakpoints.

last-context function jumps you into nested REPL session with last debug context loaded and allows to inspect its local state. It especially useful after debug session breaking cause of exception.

See example.clj and try eval it forms in REPL.


Copyright © 2019

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.