
Primary LanguageClojure


Universal frontend view to any sansara/hapi/... fhir server


This application allows simple full-text search, CRUD and possible pretty view for any fhir resource, containing in choosen supported fhir server.

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To get an interactive development environment run:

lein figwheel

and open your browser at http://localhost:3449/?base-url=<url-of-your-fhir-server>#/resource

This will auto compile and send all changes to the browser without the need to reload. After the compilation process is complete, you will get a Browser Connected REPL. An easy way to try it is:

(js/alert "Am I connected?")

and you should see an alert in the browser window.

To clean all compiled files:

lein clean

To create a production build run:

lein do clean, cljsbuild once min

And open your browser in resources/public/index.html. You will not get live reloading, nor a REPL.


Copyright © 2018

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.