
never again stack overflow

Primary LanguageClojure

NASO (never again stack overflow)

Any function custom stack evaluator with optional memoization.


Just copy core.xxx file and require it in your project (see examples.xxx, test.xxx).



tail recursion

test=> (defn foo [n a] (if (= 0 n) a (foo (- n 1) (+ n a))))
test=> (foo 10000 0)
Execution error (StackOverflowError) at test/foo (REPL:1).

oh, but we have recur!

test=> (defn foo [n a] (if (= 0 n) a (recur (- n 1) (+ n a))))
test=> (foo 10000 0)

and we also have trampoline!

test=> (defn foo [n a] (if (= 0 n) a (tr foo (- n 1) (+ n a))))
test=> (eval-tr foo 10000 0)

mutual tail call (non-tail recurtion)

test=> (declare is-odd?)
test=> (defn is-even? [n] (if (= 0 n) true  (is-odd?  (- n 1))))
test=> (defn is-odd?  [n] (if (= 0 n) false (is-even? (- n 1))))
test=> (is-even? 1000000)
Execution error (StackOverflowError) at test/is-even? (REPL:1).

oh, but we sill have trampoline!

test=> (defn is-even? [n] (if (= 0 n) true  (tr is-odd?  (- n 1))))
test=> (defn is-odd?  [n] (if (= 0 n) false (tr is-even? (- n 1))))
test=> (eval-tr is-even? 1000000)

non-tail recursion

test=> (defn bar [n] (if (= 0 n) 0 (+ n (bar (- n 1)))))
test=> (bar 10000)
Execution error (StackOverflowError) at test/bar (REPL:1).

but we have custom-stack evaluator!

test=> (defn bar [n] (if (= 0 n) 0 (cs + n (bar (- n 1)))))
test=> (eval-cs bar 10000)

and we can use it for all previous cases (but can also use recur/trampoline of course, and it will be faster)

test=> (defn foo [n a] (if (= 0 n) a (cs nil (foo (- n 1) (+ n a)))))
test=> (eval-cs foo 10000 0)
test=> (defn is-even? [n] (if (= 0 n) true  (cs nil (is-odd?  (- n 1)))))
test=> (defn is-odd?  [n] (if (= 0 n) false (cs nil (is-even? (- n 1)))))
test=> (eval-cs is-even? 1000000)

it has an optional built-in memoization!

test=> (defn fib [n] (if (< n 2) n (cs-memo n + (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
test=> (eval-cs fib 50)

of course, that was not a StackOverflow case, but what about this?

test=> (defn coin-change [s coins]
  #_=>       (cond (= s 0) 1
  #_=>             (or (< s 0) (empty? coins)) 0
  #_=>             :else (+
  #_=>                    (coin-change s (rest coins))
  #_=>                    (coin-change (- s (first coins)) coins))))
test=> (coin-change 10000 '(1 333))
Execution error (StackOverflowError) at test/coin-change (REPL:3).

oh, lets add a cs!

test=> (defn coin-change [s coins]
  #_=>       (cond (= s 0) 1
  #_=>             (or (< s 0) (empty? coins)) 0
  #_=>             :else (cs +
  #_=>                    (coin-change s (rest coins))
  #_=>                    (coin-change (- s (first coins)) coins))))
test=> (eval-cs coin-change 10000 '(1 333))

goood, but

(eval-cs coin-change 10000 '(1 5 10 25 50))

never ends! lets add a memo

test=> (defn coin-change [s coins]
  #_=>       (cond (= s 0) 1
  #_=>             (or (< s 0) (empty? coins)) 0
  #_=>             :else (cs-memo [s coins]
  #_=>                            +
  #_=>                            (coin-change s (rest coins))
  #_=>                            (coin-change (- s (first coins)) coins))))
test=> (eval-cs coin-change 10000 '(1 5 10 25 50))

cool! lets play a little

test=> (defn height [n m]
  #_=>       (if (or (<= m 0) (<= n 0))
  #_=>         0
  #_=>         (cs-memo [n m] + 1 (height n (- m 1)) (height (- n 1) (- m 1)))))
test=> (eval-cs height 5 3000)

we avoid as SO as endless time evaluation! not bad, I think. but how about non-primitive recursions? Ackermann is on the stage!

test=> (defn ack [m n]
  #_=>       (cond
  #_=>         (zero? m) (inc n)
  #_=>         (zero? n) (ack (dec m) 1)
  #_=>         :else     (ack (dec m) (ack m (dec n)))))
test=> (ack 4 1)
Execution error (StackOverflowError) at test/ack (REPL:3).

let wrap it in cs-memo (in a smart way)

test=> (defn ack [m n]
  #_=>       (cond
  #_=>         (zero? m) (inc n)
  #_=>         (zero? n) (cs-memo [m n] nil (ack (dec m) 1))
  #_=>         :else     (cs-memo [m n]
  #_=>                            (fn [a b] (cs-memo [a b] nil (ack a b)))
  #_=>                            (dec m)
  #_=>                            (ack m (dec n)))))
test=> (eval-cs ack 4 1)
test=> (eval-cs ack 3 14)

not bad again, I think! :)


tail recursion

>>> def foo(n, a): return a if (0 == n) else foo(n-1, n+a)
>>> foo(10000, 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison

oh, but we have while!

>>> def foo(n):
...   r = 0
...   while (n>0):
...     r += n
...     n -= 1
...   return r
>>> foo(10000)

and we also have trampoline!

>>> def foo(n, a): return a if (0 == n) else TR(lambda: foo(n-1, n+a))
>>> evalTR(foo(10000, 0))

mutual tail call (non-tail recurtion)

>>> def isEven(n): return True if (n == 0) else isOdd(n-1)
>>> def isOdd(n): return False if (n == 0) else isEven(n-1)
>>> isEven(10000)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison

oh, but we sill have trampoline!

>>> def isEven(n): return True if (n == 0) else TR(lambda: isOdd(n-1))
>>> def isOdd(n): return False if (n == 0) else TR(lambda: isEven(n-1))
>>> evalTR(isEven(10000))

non-tail recursion

>>> def bar(n): return 0 if (0 == n) else n + bar(n-1)
>>> bar(10000)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison

but we have custom-stack evaluator!

>>> def bar(n): return 0 if (0 == n) else CS(fold = lambda v: n+v, args = lambda: bar(n-1))
>>> evalCS(bar(10000))

and we can use it for all previous cases (but can also use recur/trampoline of course, and it will be faster)

>>> def foo(n, a): return a if (0 == n) else CS(args = lambda: foo(n-1, n+a))
>>> evalCS(foo(10000, 0))
>>> def isEven(n): return True if (n == 0) else CS(args = lambda: isOdd(n-1))
>>> def isOdd(n): return False if (n == 0) else CS(args = lambda: isEven(n-1))
>>> evalCS(isEven(10000))

it has an optional built-in memoization!

>>> def fib(n): return n if (n < 2) else CS(fold = lambda x, y: x+y,
...                                         args = [lambda: fib(n-1), lambda: fib(n-2)],
...                                         memo = n)
>>> evalCS(fib(50))

of course, that was not a StackOverflow case, but what about this?

>>> def cc(s, coins):
...   def go(s, i):
...     if (s == 0): return 1
...     elif (s < 0 or i >= len(coins)): return 0
...     else: return go(s, i+1) + go(s-coins[i], i)
...   return go(s, 0)
>>> cc(10000, [1, 333])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison

oh, lets add a cs!

>>> def cc(s, coins):
...   def go(s, i):
...     if (s == 0): return 1
...     elif (s < 0 or i >= len(coins)): return 0
...     else:
...       return CS(fold = lambda x, y: x+y,
...                 args = [lambda: go(s, i+1), lambda: go(s-coins[i], i)])
...   return go(s, 0)
>>> evalCS(cc(10000, [1, 333]))

goood, but

evalCS(cc(10000, [1, 5, 10, 25, 50]))

never ends! lets add a memo

>>> def cc(s, coins):
...   def go(s, i):
...     if (s == 0): return 1
...     elif (s < 0 or i >= len(coins)): return 0
...     else:
...       return CS(fold = lambda x, y: x+y,
...                 args = [lambda: go(s, i+1), lambda: go(s-coins[i], i)],
...                 memo = (s, i))
...   return go(s, 0)
>>> evalCS(cc(10000, [1, 5, 10, 25, 50]))

cool! lets play a little

>>> def height(n, m):
...   return 0 if (m <= 0 or n <= 0) else CS(fold = lambda x, y: x+y+1,
...                                          args = [lambda: height(n, m-1), lambda: height(n-1, m-1)],
...                                          memo = (n, m))
>>> evalCS(height(5, 3000))

we avoid as SO as endless time evaluation! not bad, I think. but how about non-primitive recursions? Ackermann is on the stage!

>>> def ack(m, n):
...   if   (0 == m): return n + 1
...   elif (0 == n): return ack(m-1, 1)
...   else:          return ack(m-1, ack(m, n-1))
>>> ack(4, 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison

let wrap it in cs-memo (in a smart way)

>>> def ackCS(m, n):
...   if   (0 == m): return n + 1
...   elif (0 == n): return CS(args = lambda: ackCS(m-1, 1), memo = (m, n))
...   else:          return CS(fold = lambda a, b: CS(args = lambda: ackCS(a, b), memo = (a, b)),
...                            args = [m-1, lambda: ackCS(m, n-1)],
...                            memo = (m, n))
>>> evalCS(ackCS(4, 1))
>>> evalCS(ackCS(3, 14))

not bad again, I think! :)


  • you can use custom stack evaluation (with or without optional memoization) on tail call cases - it will work, but slower a bit, and use memory for saving temporary results without rational reason.

  • you can add the functions itself to memo-key vector (in a first argument of cs-memo) if you have a calls of nested functions, evaluated also via custom stack and have to be memoized, in your top-level function. This will split memoization of differrent functions on same arguments. OR you can wrap all such internal calls in eval-cs to evaluate them separately. Simply speaking, avoid memoization (in cs-memo macro) of differrent functions on the same arguments by any way :) In a simple cases (like shown above) you can memoize by only arguments - we have only one function to memoize.


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