
Simulate random walk and calculate ℓ1-distance between normalized degree vector and empirical frequency vector

Primary LanguagePython

Random Walk Simulation on Undirected Graph - L1 Distance between Normalized Degree Vector and Empirical Frequency Vector

This is to simulate a random walk on an undirected graph and calculate the ℓ1-distance between normalized degree vector and empirical frequency vector during the random walk.


  • graph : networkx.classes.graph.Graph
       An undirected nxGraph with at least one edge for all node
  • steps : integer
       Number of steps to walk in random walk stimulation


  • distance : float
       ℓ1-distance between normalized degree vector and empirical frequency vector

Preprocessing Examples

If the undirected graph is not nxGraph, we have to convert it to a nxGraph before apply random_walk
If it is presented in a dictionary

>>> print(undirected_graph)
{0:[1, 2, 4], 1:[2, 3], 2:[3], 3:[4], 4:[5, 6]}

We can convert it to nxGraph as follows

graph = nx.Graph()
number_of_edges = sum([len(undirected_graph[i]) for i in undirected_graph if isinstance(undirected_graph[i], list)])
for i in undirected_graph:
    for j in range(len(undirected_graph[i])):