Ecwid Test Store

Test task for TypeScript/Vue.js developer in Ecwid


Write an application that contains three pages:

  • A page with a list of categories and products
  • product page
  • shopping cart page


Store data must be accessed using Ecwid REST API

The easiest way is to use a demo store. It's access info is like this:

  • StoreID: 58958138
  • Token: public_7BxbJGWyDaZfSQqjVS5Ftr4jzXkS43UD

Page «products and categories list»

The page contains a list of products and categories in any convenient format: grid, list table.

Category page content:

  • category name
  • category image

Product page content:

  • product name
  • product price
  • product image
  • buy button

Opening category details

When you click on a category, the app takes you to a page with subcategories and products belonging to that category.

Opening product details

When you click on a product, the app goes to the Product Details page.

«Product details» page

The page contains details about the product:

  • product name
  • product description
  • product image
  • product price
  • buy button

«Buy» button

The button adds an item to the "cart" Shopping cart - any local storage with a list of added items.

«Cart» icon

All pages display a cart icon with the number of items added to it. When you click on the icon, the application goes to the "Shopping cart" page

«Cart» page

The page contains a list of added items and the "Place order" button. Any item in the list can be deleted by clicking on the "Delete" button.

Page navigation

The page state is displayed in the url. When you navigate to a url, the page that belongs to that url is displayed.

«Place order» button

When you click on the button, a text congratulating you on your purchase is shown.


  • Typescript
  • VueJS


Pages should look nice and readable. You can use any CSS framework.