This is am air simulation particle system.
github link to assignement upload:
github link to initial project rep:
@comment: I am really sorry I havent provided any specific information in my code, neither I made a doxy file. This was a big mistake due to my lazyness and late project start time. I will commit all comments and doxy in a few days after deadline, all files will be uploaded to the assignement repo. I fully understand that I cal loose my marks because of that.
Arrow Keys -> ControlSphere movement in x and z axis lshift------> ControlSphere movement Up the y axis lctrl-------> ControlSphere movement Down the y axis space-------> Emit particles i ----------> Set FlowSpace to attract particles to the ControlSphere o-----------> Set FlowSpace to attract particles from the ControlSphere s ----------> Draw the Space (particle and sphere clipper) f ----------> Draw the Flows (ControlSphere to Particle interaction element) r-----------> Delete the particles
Nice variables to play with:
resolution in ParticleSystem::init
There are 3 defines, which are used to set the Flow size and FLowSpace resolution as well:
RESOLUTION_LQ - is a good resolution to handle a large number of particles while still providing good vectors RESOLUTION_MQ - better resolution still can handle a large amout of particles, but with more precise vectors
RESOLUTION_HQ - best resolution, providing very correct vector movements, but can be slow. Better handles medium-low particles amounts;
RESOLUTION_UHQ - best possible resolution to render <500 particles real-rime
space.SetSize in ParticleSystem::init and space.SetOrigin in ParticleSystem::init
those 2 variables set up a Space boundaries as well as ParticleSystem origin, none of the contruction/initialisation values are hard-coded,(except RESOLUTION definitions, but those can be set later) so it is possible to produce any sized space with any amout of Flows at any origin
Flow::Flow() ctor variables:
m_sphere_attraction_factor() (def value 5.5f) - is a factor that controls how much velocity Flows get from a moving ControlSphere m_decoy() (def value 0.993f) - is a multiplier to a Flow vectors, sets how fast vector dies out to 0 m_particle_interaction_factor() (def valie 0.001f) - is a factor that is applied to the Flow -> Particle relationship to set how much velocity particle gets from a vector m__sphere_interaction_r() (def value 0.18f) - is a element of a radius, that sets how big is ControlSphehe -> Flow ineraction radius m_suck_blow_force() (def value 0.0002f) - [very delecate value] - sets with what force Flows suck Particles into ControlSphere, or with what force blow them of it
ParticleSystem - the base class for particle system, draws/updates everything, initialises everything, hanldes timers
ParticleSystem has a Controls - class that holds SDL_Event, takes coontrols, uses pointers to Particle System private member in some cases to properly set a bool variable
ParticleSystem has a Space - represents simulation field boundaries, collides and sets back particles and cCntrolSphere
Space has a FlowSpace - is a class tat creates, stores, and updates the flows
ParticleSystem has many Particles - particles are just particles
FLowSpace has many Flows - flow is a cubicle of space with 8 vectors on each vertex. Flow holds many algorithms, and flow i suppose is the main cool element that drives this system
Flow can interact with a particle, by sending an approximation of each of its vector depending on a particle position,(while particle always has a pointer to a flow in which it is located), flow can interact with a ControlSphere by aquiring a controlSphere vector (for now I ise a pretty basic equation, but there is a place for a more extreme implementatiom) Flow should have been able to interact with neigboring flows to aquire the space equilibrium (see EQUILIBRIUM define in Flow.h) but struggeled a lot to set correct pointer to flow friends, I faced a lot of implementation problems. (Such as comparing colls and rows but not segments in an overloaded != operator) And was left with almost no time to calculate a relevant algotihm.
//Future plans:
- producing a nice Flow -> Flow algorith,
- changing others flow algorithms for a correct implemintation
- Adding rotational force to Flows to more correctly simulate aerodynamics
- offLine renderer
- shaders