
C++ Markdown to HTML header-only parser library

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT Version: 1.2.0

maddy is a C++ Markdown to HTML header-only parser library.

Supported OS

It actually should work on any OS, that supports the C++14 standard library.

It is tested to work on:

  • Linux (gcc)
  • OSX (clang)
  • Windows (Visual Studio 17 2022, mingw)


  • C++14

Why maddy?

When I was looking for a Markdown parser in C++, I couldn't find any, that was fitting my needs. So I simply wrote my own one.

Markdown syntax

The supported syntax can be found in the definitions docs.

How to add maddy to your cmake project

You can use FetchContent which was introduced in CMake 3.11.

This way you can add


  URL https://github.com/progsource/maddy/.../maddy-src.zip

target_link_libraries(my_exe PUBLIC maddy)

to your CMake file to make it work. Check the release for the full zip-file-url.

The zip only contains a CMakeLists.txt, the include folder and the LICENSE file.

How to use

To use maddy in your project, simply add the include path of maddy to yours and in the code, you can then do the following:

#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "maddy/parser.h"

std::stringstream markdownInput("");

// config is optional
std::shared_ptr<maddy::ParserConfig> config = std::make_shared<maddy::ParserConfig>();
// config->isEmphasizedParserEnabled = false; // default true - this flag is deprecated
// config->isHTMLWrappedInParagraph = false; // default true - this flag is deprecated
config->enabledParsers &= ~maddy::types::EMPHASIZED_PARSER; // equivalent to !isEmphasizedParserEnabled
config->enabledParsers |= maddy::types::HTML_PARSER; // equivalent to !isHTMLWrappedInParagraph

std::shared_ptr<maddy::Parser> parser = std::make_shared<maddy::Parser>(config);
std::string htmlOutput = parser->Parse(markdownInput);

You can find all parser flags in include/maddy/parserconfig.h.

How to run the tests

(tested on Linux with git and cmake installed)

Open your preferred terminal and type:

git clone https://github.com/progsource/maddy.git
cd maddy
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
make test # or run the executable in ../build/MaddyTests

How to contribute

There are different possibilities:

Please also read CONTRIBUTING.md.