
A tool which guesses message author by processing previous Slack chat messages.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Message author classifier


  • NodeJS 6.3.0+
  • Python 3.4.3+


Install SciPy + NumPy by following these instructions.

Install scikit-learn by following these instructions.

Install nltk by following these instructions

  1. You now need to download nltk data from nltk package manager.

    Open a python console and run:

    >>> import nltk
    >>> nltk.download()

    This will open up a UI from. Locate install 'all-corpora' option and download the corpora.

  2. Now add bulgarian stopwords into nltk data.

    Locate nltk download directory (C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data)

    go into corpora\stopwords

    from project copy people-classifier\processing\stopwords-bg.txt and paste into stopwords folder as bulgarian

Run npm install to download all NodeJS libraries needed.


Make your own secrets.json file using secrets.template.json

Run npm run reload-data to fetch your chat history from Slack API

Run python ./processing/json-to-pkl.py to transform your data into features/labels format, suitable for further processing

Run npm start

You can also run python ./processing/vectorize.py standalone to test the classifier manually from stdin