
An Issue Tracker Web App

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Issue Tracker App

The Issue Tracker App is a comprehensive platform developed using modern technologies like Next.js, Prisma, MySQL, TypeScript, NextAuth, Radix UI, and Tailwind CSS. It is designed to streamline issue reporting, management, and resolution for various projects.

Product Overview

The Issue Tracker App serves as a centralized solution for project teams or individuals to efficiently report, monitor, and resolve issues or bugs encountered during the development or execution of their projects. By combining a user-friendly interface with powerful features, it aims to enhance collaboration and expedite issue resolution.


1. Issue Management

Users can:

  • Create Issues: Create detailed issue reports, specifying the problem, associated project, and relevant details.
  • Edit and Delete Issues: Modify or remove reported issues as needed.

2. Issue Status

Issues can be categorized with various statuses:

  • Open: Indicates newly reported issues awaiting attention.
  • Closed: Represents issues that have been resolved or deemed no longer relevant.
  • InProgress: Assigned to a developer for resolution.

3. Automation

Upon issue assignment:

  • Status Transition: Issues automatically transition from 'Closed' to 'In Progress' when assigned to a developer. This feature streamlines the workflow and promptly alerts the developer about issues that need attention.

4. User Authentication and Security

  • NextAuth Integration: Provides secure user authentication and access control to ensure data privacy and security.

5. UI/UX

  • Radix-UI and Tailwind CSS: Utilizes Radix UI components and Tailwind CSS for a clean, responsive, and aesthetically pleasing user interface, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Tech Stack

  • Next.js: Utilized for server-rendered React applications, offering high performance and SEO-friendly solutions.
  • Prisma: Provides a modern database toolkit for type-safe database access, facilitating efficient data management.
  • MySQL: The chosen relational database for storing issue-related data.
  • TypeScript: Adds type safety and improves developer productivity.
  • NextAuth: Ensures secure authentication and authorization for the application.
  • Radix UI and Tailwind: Used for building a consistent and visually appealing user interface.