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Q8 handheld is a very cheap device but the LCD screen sucks, just like shit. It is better for studying embedded system rather than plays some games on this device. Basically, I don't know why I ported Linux system into this cheap device, ha ha. If you are looking for Linux OS running on this device, here you can find all of resources you want. But the LCD model might be different with your Q8 device, so, I can't make sure whether it can run on your device or not. Anyway, follow the below steps to build a Linux system for your Q8 device, enjoy !

Component Description
CPU GB1 ZH1901MP02C (Allwinner F1C100S)
Storage 8MB
Screen 2.8" 320x240
Slot MicroSD
Gamepad DPad, 4 Buttons, Start, Select, L1 and R1
Port MicroUSB
Battery 3.7V 1100mA
Dimension 120mm x 80mm x 18mm
Weight 224g

How to build Linux OS for Q8

prepare environment

  • Debian 10 (x64)
  • download all of sources in release page

configure toolchain

  • extract toolchain.7z into /opt/miyoo
  • export command
    • $ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/miyoo/bin

build uboot

  • $ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- make q8_sdcard_defconfig && ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- make

build kernel

  • $ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- make q8_defconfig && ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- make all

build mininit

  • $ ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- make

build boot.scr

  • $ mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d boot.cmd boot.scr

build rootfs

  • download buildroot-2018.02.9 from https://buildroot.org
  • use config_buildroot-2018.02.9(in devel.zip) and then make it

prepare sdcard

  • partition 1: 512MB FAT32 (boot.scr, suniv-f1c500s-miyoo.dtb, zImage, mininit, rootfs, dev, root)
  • partition 2: FAT32 (GMenu2X and emulators)

flash uboot:

  • $ sudo dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=1024 seek=8

copy files

  • copy boot.scr into partition 1
  • copy zImage into partition 1
  • copy suniv-f1c500s-miyoo.dtb into partition 1
  • copy mininit (original name: mininit-syspart) into partition 1
  • copy rootfs (squashfs) into partition 1
  • create empty folder "dev" into partition 1
  • create empty folder "root" into partition 1
  • copy GMenu2X and emulators into partition 2