
iOS features/apps/researchs/etc

Primary LanguageSwift


Concept: by switching to various branches explore all kinds of features/apps/researches.

NOTE: by switching between branches requires killing/refresh xcode

Extra Files:

  • fun algorithms
  • projects (requires pod install)
  • scripts
  • stanford


  • Features:
    • CircleProgressBar
    • StatisticsBarCharts
    • FBLongPressEmojiPopUp
    • FBShimmerEffect
    • CircularCollectionView
    • PropertyAnimator
    • SwipingPage
    • MagicGrid
    • QRMaster
    • StrechyHeaderCollectionView
    • DateGroupMessages
    • MapKitPins
    • DrawingCanvas
    • SimpleBarCharts
    • FBStreamAnimation
    • QuestionLikeTableView
    • PhoneListTableView
    • LeftSlideAnimations
    • AirplaneSeats
  • Apps:
    • AppStoreDemo
    • Audible
    • FBMessenger
    • YouTubeDemo (depricated)
    • TicTacToe
  • Research:
    • BLE:
      • BeaconEmitter
      • BeaconScanner
    • AR:
      • MagicBox
      • RollDice
      • PlacingCircularObjects
      • PlacingShapes
    • DeepLinkingTest
    • SwipingPageController
    • DragAndDrop
    • InfinitePagination
    • CustomInsertTableView
    • CarouselViewController
    • InputTextViewHeightEstimation
    • GeneriTableViewController
    • JSONDecode


Initial blank app


  • CircleProgressBar

    Circular pulsing ProgressBar showing download completion from specific API call.

  • StatisticsBarCharts

    Advanced Bar Charts with generics.

  • FBLongPressEmojiPopUp

    By long pressing on screen hows the dialog with emojis.

  • FBShimmerEffect

    Shows the FB shimmer effect.

  • CircularCollectionView

    Simple circular collectionView

  • PropertyAnimator

    Usage fractions of property animatior with bluer and scale effect.

  • SwipingPage

    Basic swiping horizontal collection view.

  • MagicGrid

    Animated magic grid.

  • QRMaster

    Simple QR generator and scanner.

  • StrechyHeaderCollectionView

    Strechy headar with autoLayout

  • DateGroupMessages

    Filtering messages by date.

  • MapKitPins

    Basic search and pining on map.

  • DrawingCanvas

    Utilizing drawing with custom canvas and some functionalites.

  • SimpleBarCharts

  • FBStreamAnimation

    FB stream animation on specific Bazieth path.

  • QuestionLikeTableView

    TableView with question and navigation for stages.

  • PhoneListTableView

    Presenting user phone calls with like abilities.

  • LeftSlideAnimations

    Chain animations to the letft.

  • AirplaneSeats

    Simple collection view presenting airplane seats.


  • AppStoreDemo

    Base old version off AppStore.

  • Audible

  • FBMessenger

    Base FB Messenger UI and some functionalities.

  • YouTubeDemo (depricated)

    Base YouTube App.

  • TicTacToe

    Simple TicTacToe.


  • BLE

    • BeaconEmitter

      Emitting like a beacon.

    • BeaconScanner

      Scanning for near beacons, changing color based on distance

  • AR

    • MagicBox

      Find your self inside a gray box.

    • RollDice

      Rolling dices with AR.

    • PlacingCircularObjects

      Placing circles with AR.

    • PlacingShapes

      Placing house shape with AR.

  • DeepLinkingTest

    test deepLinking within app by using any browser with typing: deepLinkTest://test.DeepLinkingTest/inner

  • SwipingPageController

    Utilizing collection with pageController.

  • DragAndDrop

    Simulate draging object to recycle bin.

  • InfinitePagination

    By scrolling to 80% of scroll height pagination gets triggered.

  • CustomInsertTableView

    Inserting rows from left and right with animations.

  • CarouselViewController

  • InputTextViewHeightEstimation

    Update textView height depening of rows of text.

  • GeneriTableViewController

    Utilizing generics for creating tableViews.

  • JSONDecode

    Utilizing new swift 4.2 JSON decode.