
SoftUni JavaScript Advanced course, part of JS Core Module

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SoftUni JavaScript Advanced course, part of JS Core Module

Course Objectives

The JavaScript Advanced course provides:

  • Advanced coding skills for the JS language
  • Extends the JS Fundamentals course
  • Covers DOM, advanced functions, IIFE, object composition, unit testing, classes and inheritance, modules, transpilers, exceptions, generators, iterators

Course Topics

  • DOM and BOM, Manipulating the DOM Tree
  • jQuery: Simplified DOM and Events
  • Advanced Functions: IIFE, this, call, apply, bind
  • Object Composition and Revealing Modules
  • Unit Testing with Mocha and Sinon
  • Classes and Members
  • Class Inheritance and Prototype Chain
  • Modules, Babel Transpiler, CommonJS
