
Bachelor thesis

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Ticket System API

This API allows you to create, manage and user a ticket system at your own accord



Database Diagram


User Personas

Queueing logic

Ansof Matrix

Project brief

Tech Stacks


  • PostgreSQL 15.2


  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3
  • Spring Security
  • JWT
  • Mockito
  • Hibernate
  • IDE: IntelliJ
  • Build tool: Maven
  • Server: Tomcat
  • Log4j: 1.2.17


  • IDE: Visual Studio Code
  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • Server: Vite 4.3.5


To interact whit anything in the api you need to authenticate yourself.

POST /api/vi/auth/authenticate

The request body needs to be in JSON format and iclude the following properties:

  • email - String
  • password - String



The response body will contain the access token and information about the user. The access token is valid for 12 hours.


  1. Article
  2. Favor
  3. Machine
  4. Personal-Ticket
  5. Ticket
  6. Ticket-Type
  7. User
  8. Queue
  9. Draft


GET /api/v2/article

Returns a list of Articles. Requires authentication.

POST /api/v2/article

Allows you to submit a new article. Requires authentication. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name- Long - Requerd
  • description- String - Requerd
  • workStart - SQLTime HH:mm:ss format -Requerd
  • wrokEnd - SQlTime HH:mm:ss format -Requerd
  • type - String -Requerd


    "description":"some description",

The response body will contain the Article Id.

PUT /api/v2/article/:articleId

Allows you to alter an article that has bean created. Requirs authentication. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name- Long - Requerd
  • description- String - Requerd
  • workStart - SQLTime HH:mm:ss format -Requerd
  • wrokEnd - SQlTime HH:mm:ss format -Requerd
  • type - String -Requerd


    "description":"some description",

The response body will contain the Article Id.

PUT /addFavor/:articleId/:favorId

Returns the id of the article that has bean updated.

DELETE /api/v2/article/:articleId


GET /api/v2/counter

Returns a list of counters. Requires authentication.

POST api/v2/counter

Allows for the creation of new counters. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name - String - Required
  • discription -String - Required
  • number - Integer - Required


    "description":"Some description",

The response body is the id of the counter and a massage.

PATCH api/v2/counter/:counterId

Allow for the updating of a existing counter. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name - String - Required
  • discription -String - Required
  • number - Integer - Required


    "description":"Some description",

The response body is the id of the counter and a massage. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

PUT api/v2/counter/add/ticket/:favorId/:counterId

To put a new favor in the counter options. Requires authentication.

DELETE /api/v2/counter/:counterId


GET api/v2/favor

Returns a list of favors. Requires authentication.

POST api/v2/favor

Allows for the creation of a favor. Requirs authentication. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name - String - Required
  • discription -String - Required
  • workStart - SQLTime HH:mm:ss format - Requerd
  • wrokEnd - SQlTime HH:mm:ss format - Requerd
  • idsOfTypeOfFavors - Integer Array - Requerd


    "description":"some description",

The response body is the id of the favor and a massage.

PATCH api/v2/favor/:favorName

Allows for the updating of the favor. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name - String - Required
  • discription -String - Required
  • workStart - SQLTime HH:mm:ss format - Requerd
  • wrokEnd - SQlTime HH:mm:ss format - Requerd
  • idsOfTypeOfFavors - Integer Array - Requerd


    "description":"some description",

The response body is the id of the favor and a massage.

DELETE /api/v2/favor/:favorId


GET api/v1/machine

Returns a list of machines. Requires authentication.

POST api/v1/machine

Allows for the creation of a machine. Requirs authentication. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name - String - Required
  • type -String - Required
  • favorId -Long - Required



The response body is the id of the machine and a massage.

PATCH api/v1/machine/:machineName

Allows for the creation of a machine. Requirs authentication. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name - String - Required
  • type -String - Required
  • favorId -Long - Required



The response body is the id of the machine and a massage.

DELETE /api/v2/machine/:machineId

Personal Ticket

GET api/v2/personalticket

Returns a list of personal tickets. Requires authentication.

GET api/v2/personalticket/:ticketId

Returns a list of personal tickets by the ticket id. Requires authentication.

POST api/v2/personalticket

Allows for the creation of a personal ticket. Requirs authentication. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • issueTime - SQLTime HH:mm:ss format - Requerd



The response body is the id of the personal ticket and a massage.

PATCH api/v2/personalticket/:personalTicketName

Allows for the creation of a personal ticket. Requirs authentication. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name - String - Required
  • type -String - Required
  • favorId -Long - Required



The response body is the id of the personal ticket and a massage.

PUT api/v2/finish/:ticketNumber

Simple put just to finish a tickets on the name of the loged user. Reqirs Authentication.

DELETE /api/v2/personalticket/:personalTicketId


GET api/v2/ticket

Returns a list of tickets. Requires authentication.

GET api/v2/ticket/:favorId

Returns a list of all tickets whit the privided favorId. Requires authentication.

POST api/v2/ticket

Allows for the creation of a ticket. Requirs authentication. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name - String - Requerd
  • workStart- SQLTime HH:mm:ss format - Requerd
  • workEnd - SQLTime HH:mm:ss format - Requerd
  • favorId - Long - Requerd
  • typeId - Long -Requerd



The response body is the id of the ticket and a massage.

PATCH api/v2/ticket/:ticketName

Allows for the update of a ticket. Requirs authentication. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name - String - Requerd
  • workStart- SQLTime HH:mm:ss format - Requerd
  • workEnd - SQLTime HH:mm:ss format - Requerd
  • favorId - Long - Requerd
  • typeId - Long -Requerd



The response body is the id of the ticket and a massage.

PUT addFavor/:idTicket/:idFavor

Adds a favor to the ticket. Requirs authentication.

PUT addFavor/:idTicket/:idPersonalTicket

Adds a personal ticket to the ticket. Requirs authentication.

DELETE /api/v2/ticket/:ticketId

Tciket Type

GET api/v2/tickettype

Returns a list of ticket types. Requires authentication.

POST api/v2/tickettype

Allows for the creation of a ticket type. Requirs authentication. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name - String - Requerd
  • description - String - Requerd


    "description":"some description"

The response body is the id of the ticket type and a massage.

PATCH api/v2/tickettype/:ticketTypeName

Allows for the update of a ticket type. Requirs authentication. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • name - String - Requerd
  • description - String - Requerd


    "description":"some description"

The response body is the id of the ticket type and a massage.

DELETE /api/v2/tickettype/:ticketTypeId


GET /api/v1/user

Returns a list of ticket types. Requires authentication.

POST /api/v1/user/register

Allows for the registe a user. Requirs authentication. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • firstname - String - Requerd
  • lastname - String -Requerd
  • email - String - Requerd
  • role - String - Requerd
  • password- String -Requerd


    "role": "USER",

The response body is the id of the ticket type and a massage.

PUT /api/v1/user/register/addCounter/:counterId

Allows to add a new counter to the users profile. Requers authentication.

PUT /api/v1/user/register/addCounter/:favorTypeId

Allows to add a new facor type to the users profile. Requers authentication.

DELETE /api/v1/user/:userId


GET api/v1/queue/nextInLine/:counterId

Gets the next tickt in the line.

PUT api/v1/queue/open/counter/:counterId

Opens the counter whit the loged in user.

DELETE api/v1/queue/close/counter/:counterId

Closes the counter.

GET api/v1/queue/waiting ForCounter/:counterId

Returns all the personal tickets for the counter.


Authentication for dis endpoint is nopt recluerd.

GET api/v1/draft/favor

Gets the Favor so that thay can be printed on the Front-end.

Get api/v1/draft/waitingForCounter/:counterId

Returs all tickets in order that are waiting for the counter.

GET api/v1/draft/lastPersonalTicket

Retuns the last draftet ticket.

POST api/v1/draft/:ticketId

Creates a new persolnal ticket or the so calld 'darafting of a ticket'. The request body needs to be in JSON format and include the following properties:

  • id - Long - Not Requerd
  • issueTime - SQLTime HH:mm:ss format - Requerd

