
Receiving mail

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I am unable to recieve the mail i done all the process in a good way no errors but i am unable to receive mail.please help me to get out from this problem.

Hi Kavyasri

Can I see your repo / code and ss of your emailJS admin panel?

Are you sure, that you passed good API keys?
Did you check your variables in mail template?
Are there any errors or logs coming when sending email?

Well, in fact I need your JS code more than CSS.
Literally, I can't help you if I don't have your code / repo / screens etc
All I know about your issue is that something doesen't work and nobody knows why

And a word about the variables:

,,You have to now specify, how incoming email should look like.
The values that will be used, are coming from name attribute in input. You have insert your variable into {{{ }}} signs._" ~ Step 3 in my article (https://dev.to/iwaniukooo11/send-e-mails-directly-from-front-end-with-js-5d7d)