Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CDM plugin

CDM is an Euroscope plugin based on the real life CDM tool that allows us to improve the departure flows at airports. CDM includes the following times:

  • EOBT: Estimated off block time.
  • TOBT: Target off block time.
  • TSAT: Target Start-Up Approval Time.
  • TTOT: Target Take Off Time.
  • TSAC: Target Start-Up Approval Communicated.
  • ASAT: Actual Start-Up Approval Time.
  • ASRT: Actual Start-Up Request Time.
  • CTOT: Calculated Take Off Time.

How to use:

  • Load up the plugin.

  • If there is no master controller, you should use the command .cdm master {airport} of the airport you want to become the master. You can have as many airport as you want, but there can ony be 1 MASTER at the same time (The MASTER should be DELIVERY or the lowest ATC position to have access to all CDM actions).

  • Add The following items to the departure list with their actions:

  • A


  • EOBT


  • E


  • TOBT


  • TSAT


  • TTOT


  • TSAC


  • ASAT


  • ASRT


  • CTOT



  • Master: The master is the "admin" of the CDM and is the only controller who calculates the times (TSAT, TTOT and ASRT)
    • Use .cdm master {airport} command (TO LET THE CDM DO IT'S JOB, ONLY 1 CONTROLLER CAN BE THE MASTER AT THE SAME TIME).
  • Slave: The Slave Monitors the CDM and has some limited actions.
    • Default type, so, you don't need to change anything unless you are now a master, where you can use .cdm slave {airport} command.


  1. Check to have the same CDMconfig.xml and taxizones.txt configuration, otherwise it won't work correctly.
  2. The Old controller changes to Slave with command .cdm slave.
  3. Once there are no master controllers, the new controlles gets the master "rol" with the command .cdm master {airport}.
  4. That's it!

Define configurations

  • Colors.txt
    • color1 = DARK GREEN
    • color2 = LIGHT GREEN
    • color3 = GREY
    • color4 = ORANGE
    • color5 = YELLOW
    • color6 = DARKYELLOW
    • color7 = RED
    • color8 = EOBT STATIC COLOR
    • color9 = TTOT STATIC COLOR
    • color10 = ASRT STATIC COLOR
    • color11 = CTOT STATIC COLOR
  • CDMconfig.xml
    • Select CTOT option (ctot option="callsign or cid"):
      • "callsign": It gets CTOT if the callsign is the same as the defined in ctot.txt (ex. defaultRate option="VLG11A,2213").
      • "cid": It gets CTOT if the cid is the same as the defined in ctot.txt (ex. defaultRate option="XXXXXX,2213").
    • Normal Visibility Operations Rate/hour (ex. rate ops="40").
    • Low Visibility Operations Rate/hour (ex. rateLvo ops="10").
    • Expired CTOT time, it selects the time before expire the CTOT if the pilot is not connected (ex. expiredCtot time="15").
    • ReaMsg (ex. minutes="0"). - It sets the time to add for the "Send Rea Message" function.
  • ctot.txt
    • Add CTOTs which will be imported on Euroscope start-up or with the command ".cdm ctot". Add CTOTs with the following format: CALLSIGN,CTOT or XXXXXX,CTOT, ex: XXXXXX,1745 - XXXXXX is vatsim user's CID or VLG11P,1745 (Each line has an aircraft)
  • taxizones.txt
    • You can define a zone with an specific taxiTime with the following specifications AIRPORT:RUNWAY:BOTTOM_LEFT_LAT:BOTTOM_LEFT_LON:TOP_LEFT_LAT:TOP_LEFT_LON:TOP_RIGHT_LAT:TOP_RIGHT_LON:BOTTOM_RIGHT_LAT:BOTTOM_RIGHT_LON:TAXITIME, ex:LEBL:25L:41.286876:2.067318:41.290236:2.065955:41.295688:2.082523:41.292662:2.084613:10, if no taxizone defined, the default taxi time is set to 15 min.
    • rate.txt
      • You can set the rate/hour for specific runway and airport, if not declared, AIRPORT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A CDM AIRPORT. You can declare every runway rate with the following format: AIRPORT:RUNWAY=NormalRate_LvoRate, ex:LEBL:25L=40_20 (Each line has a runway with his rate)

Examples can be found in the givenfiles.


  • .cdm reload - Reloads all CDM plugin.
  • .cdm ctot - Loads ctot.txt data.
  • .cdm save - Saves data to savedData.txt to sync times with other controllers.
  • .cdm load - Loads savedData.txt to sync times with other controllers.
  • .cdm master {airport} - Become the master of the selected airport.
  • .cdm slave {airport} - Turn back to slave of the selected airport.
  • .cdm refreshtime {seconds} - It changes the refresh rate time in seconds (Default 30, MAX 99 Seconds).
  • .cdm delay {minutes} - Adds delay minutes to all traffics.
  • .cdm lvo on - Activates lvo using the defined lvo rate in rate.txt file.
  • .cdm lvo off - Desactivates lvo rate.
  • .cdm help - Sends a message with all commands.

Functions and colors:

  • Column A: It toggles an A to remember the controller that the plane is waiting for something.

    • #f5ef0d YELLOW or defined color5: Always this color.
  • Column EOBT: It gets the EOBT set by the pilot in the flightplan.

    • Color defined as color8.
  • Column TOBT: We can not simulate it, so it gets the EOBT and the colors is green.

    • #8fd894 LIGHT GREEN or defined color2: From EOBT-35 to EOBT-5.
    • #00c000 DARK GREEN or defined color1: After EOBT-5.
  • Column E: It shows a letter depending on the plane timmings:

    • P: EOBT is farther than the Actual Time - 35min.
    • C: EOBT is less than 35min and TOBT hasn't expired (TOBT+6) or TSAT hasn't expired (TSAT+6).
    • I: TSAT has expired.
  • Column TSAT: It is the TTOT - the taxi time defined in the taxizones.txt, otherwise it sets 15min.

    • #8fd894 LIGHT GREEN or defined color2: From EOBT-35 to TSAT-5 and after TSAT+6 if not expired.
    • #00c000 DARK GREEN or defined color1: From TSAT-5 to TSAT+5.
    • #f5ef0d YELLOW or defined color5: From TSAT+5 to TSAT+6.
  • Column TTOT: The plugin calculates a TSAT based on this column, the TTOT, you can't have planes with same TTOT, the time between departures is calculated from the rate/hour. So if you need 40 departures/hour, the plugin will calculate it for you with no equal TTOTs.

    • Color defined as color9.
  • Column TSAC: With the left click you can directly set the tsat and with the right click you can remove it or set the time you want. If this field is +/- 5min that the TSAT, the color change to orange to indicate that his TSAT has changed more than 5min.

    • #00c000 DARK GREEN or defined color1: If between +/- 5min of TSAT.
    • #ed852e ORANGE or defined color4: If +/- 5min of TSAT.
  • Column ASAT: It sets the time when ST-UP, TAXI or DEPA state is set on the first time.

    • #00c000 DARK GREEN or defined color1: If actual time < ASAT - 5min.
    • #f5ef0d YELLOW or defined color5: From ASAT+5 to always.
  • Column ASRT: It shows the requested StartUp time, It can be added to the list with the toggle function or sending a REA Msg.

    • Color defined as color10.
  • Column CTOT: It shows aircraft's CTOT which can be added, modified or removed.

    • Color defined as color11.