
A team donation/goal contest tracking tool utilizing JSON.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

RedHeart Logo


A team donation/goal contest tracking tool utilizing simple, human-readable JSON to store data. RedHeart is intended to be simple to set up and deploy, and offers very minor customization options.

Getting Started

RedHeart is designed to run on a simple web server and should require very little configuration. Simply place all of the files in the _dist directory into a Web-facing directory on a HTTP/S server and edit the _config database object to your liking. Note that due to security settings in both Chrome and Firefox RedHeart will not work if db.json is stored locally. It must be on an accessible Web server (such as GitHub). The "database" itself is simple flat JSON following this format:

	"_meta": {
		"version": 1
	"_config": {
		"pageTitle": "Example Config",
		"includeBranding": true,
		"contestMode": 1,
		"sumHeaders": {
			"headerTeam": "Team Name",
			"headerScore": "Score"
		"teamHeaders": {
			"headerMemberName": "Name/Handle",
			"headerMemberDate": "Date Donated",
			"headerMemberScore": "Score",
			"headerMemberVerify": "Verified By"
	"_teams": [
			"name": "Team 1 Name Here",
			"members": [
					"memberName": "Team 1 Member 1 Name Here",
					"memberDate": "2020-08-20",
					"memberScore": 1,
					"verifiedBy": "somePerson"
					"memberName": "Team 1 Member 2 Name here",
					"memberDate": "2020-08-25",
					"memberScore": 3,
					"verifiedBy": "someOtherPerson"

A few caveats:

  • The database JSON file does not need to be stored on the same server as the rest of the files, but be sure to edit the dbUrl variable in redHeart.js to point to the new location.
  • Date strings under memberDate should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If it isn't, the column won't sort properly.
  • I took a shortcut to generate the table that speeds up parsing, but it also means that all fields under each members object must be in the same order as all of _config.teamHeaders[x] items. The order given is probably the easiest way to go.
  • All fields are required (including memberScore if using mode 1, though its value will get ignored).
    • It is possible to remove memberScore from each members[x] object, but then you must also delete _config.teamHeaders.headerMemberScore otherwise you will have one too many column headers.
  • You can use the _meta object to store any kind of extra data you want, such as a last-changed date. Everything except version will be ignored by RedHeart.

As I work on this project more I plan to create a page that can generate valid JSON for the purposes of this tool, but that's very far in the future and may never happen.

If you're unfamiliar with JSON, I recommend a generator such as ObjGen to help you out.

Config Values

  • pageTitle: Defines both the title of the page and the header text above the team selector.
  • includeBranding: If set to true, the RedHeart version number will be included in the page title (but not in the header text).
  • contestMode: See Modes below.
  • headerTeam: The header item above the team names in summary view.
  • headerScore: The header item above the score or number of members in summary view.
  • headerMemberName: The header item above the member names in team view.
  • headerMemberDate: The header item above the member join/donate dates in team view.
  • headerMemberScore: The header item above the score in team view. This will usually be the same as headerScore above.
  • headerMemberVerify: The header item above the verifying name in team view. You could hypothetically use this column for any arbitrary extra data you want to display.


  • Mode 1 ("contestMode": 1,) is recruitment mode; that is, the team's total score will be determined by the number of members on that team. This can be useful for individual events, such as blood donation or one-time volunteering opportunities. In mode 1, a member's score will read as "N/A" regardless of memberScore value and will not contribute to the total team score in the summary view.
  • Mode 2 ("contestMode": 2,) is score accrual mode; that is, the team's total score will be determined by the sum of each member's memberScore value. This is useful for events that can have multiple individual contributions, such as charity walks or food drives.


There is an overrides.css file included, that gets loaded after redHeart.css (i.e. it will override, since it is lower on the cascade). I suggest putting any style changes you want into this file, and backing it up when you update. This will make sure your style doesn't break in the unlikely event that index.html changes.


There is a demo of this site located here. All information is loaded directly from this repo, and the site automatically updates whenever a change is pushed.

The demo is in mode 2.