Files manager

This is an ExpressJS app that exposes an API that mimics a virtual file system. It allows creating directories and storing files in them. It also implements a minimal session auth system. Users can share files with others and users can either make a file public or private. A queue system was also set up on a separate process for endpoints that require file processing so as not to block the application.


Clone this repository Run npm install


you have to have redis and mongodb installed locally to run this app


start the server by running


Get Status

Returns the status of the API.

GET /status Response:

{ "redis": "true", "db": "true" }

Get Stats

Returns the number of users and number of files.

GET /stats Response:

{ "users": 10, "files": 100 }

Create User

Creates a new user.

POST /users Payload:

email: The email of the user (required). password: The password of the user (required). Response:

{ "id": "user-id", "email": "user-email" }


Logs the user in and creates a session using Redis and returns the session token.

GET /connect Response:

{ "token": "your-session-token" }


Logs a user out and deletes their session.

GET /disconnect

Create File

Creates a new file or directory.

POST /file Payload:

name: The name of the file (required). type: The type of the file (required). parentId: The ID of the parent directory (optional), defaults to 0 - root. data: The data to store in the file (optional). Response:

{ "userId": "file-id", "name": "file-name", "type": "file-type", "parentId": "parent-directory-id", "isPublic": boolean, }

Get File

Retrieves the details of a file by its ID.

GET /files/:id Response:

{ "userId": "file-id", "name": "file-name", "type": "file-type", "parentId": "parent-directory-id", "isPublic": boolean, }

Publish File

Makes a file public.

PUT /files/:id/publish Response:

{ "userId": "file-id", "name": "file-name", "type": "file-type", "parentId": "parent-directory-id", "isPublic": true, }

Unpublish File

Makes a file private.

PUT /files/:id/unpublish Response:

{ "userId": "file-id", "name": "file-name", "type": "file-type", "parentId": "parent-directory-id", "isPublic": false, }

Get File Data

Retrieves saved files contents.

GET /files/:id/data Response: Raw bytes

Get files info Paginated

Returns a paginated (20 pages limit) list of all files info belonging to a user.

GET /files?page=number&parentId=number


[ { "userId": "file-id", "name": "file-name", "type": "file-type", "parentId": "parent-directory-id", "isPublic": boolean, }, ... ]


Yusuf Isyaku Valentine Maduagwu