
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A movie suggesting Web App, interface like Netflix using OpenAI's API (GPT 3.5), where GPT Ai will recommend movies based on user's search.

Deployed Link 😀

Packages Used:

  • Redux - A predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
  • TailwindCSS - A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes.
  • React Router - Declarative routing for React web applications.
  • OpenAi - This library provides convenient access to the OpenAI REST API from TypeScript or JavaScript.
  • Firebase - Firebase JavaScript library for web and Node.js

What's in here?

Here I demonstrated:

  • Using TailwindCSS for styling the components.

  • User can sign in and sign up where behind the scenes, it's using Firebase authentication and database for storing user data and authentication.

  • Using onAuthStateChange from firebase I'm managing auth info and secured routing.

  • Using Redux Toolkit, I have separated data into slices for separate use cases.

  • Using TMDB API, I have fetched latest lists of Popular, Top Rated, Upcoming and Now Playing movies and then shown on browse page.

  • Wrote CustomHooks for fetching movies data from TMDB API.

  • Implementation of Multi-lanugage functionality on GPT Search Page.

  • On GPT Search Page I have used OpenAI GPT 3.5 Turbo API for fetching movie results from GPT Ai.

  • User can have only GPT search limit of 3.

  • When the user's search limit is over, A modal is opened where users can provide their own OpenAI API key to use search.


Before you run the app, please make sure you have created required environment variables by creating .env file in root directory of the project and add the below required keys:











To run this on your machine, simply go to terminal and to this project directory then do the following commands:

npm install

then type

npm start

That's it 😀!