Project Name

Klarna assessment


  • Create an user interface to perform 3 tasks of sum fibonacci, factorial, and ackermann
  • Have a web service
  • Collect relative metrics and logs
  • have a dashboard for monitoring


Load Balancer: Nginx
Web Server: flask
Language: Python
Log collection: filebeat
Uptime monitoring: elastic-heartbeat
Metrics datastore: Elasticsearch
Visualization: Kibana/Grafana
Docker for orchestration


To bring up all the services at once, run the command below for the fist time and only run docker-compose up after

docker-compose up --build

To only startup the flask web:



    - Main page: http://localhost:8080/
    - Fibonacci endpoint: http://localhost:8080/tasks/fibonacci
    - ackermann: http://localhost:8080/tasks/ackermann
    - factorial: http://localhost:8080/tasks/factorial

    grafana login: admin/123456
    grafana dashboard: http://localhost:3000/d/9o2OM3R7z/klarna-demo?orgId=1

    kibana: http://localhost:5601/app/uptime
    logs: http://localhost:5601/goto/f3f46861569d64331f9331aa99398e12


Level 1: - site uptime - measure from nginx endpoint to ensure the overall uptime

Level 2: - site availability rate alt_text_here. Not be able to done it here. formula ( total requests - "5xx errors")/ (total requests)

Level 3: - site latency - measure from nginx and use it as an indicator of overall site performnace

others: - response - top hit routes - count of each http status - service performance

What can we done better

Application - application logs - Application performance management tool integration

Architecture - queue system for logs and metrics - central logging endpoint

Depends - depends on the use case, we will use different solution


Dont have alerting yet. We can simply use grafana alerting to create monitor on top of those graphs. But grafana alerting is not highly recommend (very limited)

Incident management

Pagerduty to distribute the alert to the support owner by schedule

Anomaly detection

Implement anomaly detection mechanism to auto generate alert when the bad behaviour detected