
AiAttended is an ASP.NET core web app that leverages Azure Vision to record attendees of a meeting. By creating Users and User groups, Training Models for Facial Detection and Recognition and Fetching Meeting history


  1. Face Detection
  2. Face Recognition
  3. User and User Group Creation
  4. Meeting History
  5. Model Training

Check out the project live here

How it works

1. Add Person

By entering the name and uploading pictures of a person, firstly, it checks if the user already exists after which it checks if the PersonGroup exists on Azure. If it does not exists, it creats one. After that, it creates a Person class on the PersonGroup, adds all the faces in the images uploaded as a PersistedFace object and also registers a new user entry in the database.

2. Train Model

Trains/Retrains the model with new persons added.

3. Identify Persons

This is used to identify members of the PersonGroup that were present in a meeting by uploading images from that meeting and giving the meeting a name. Firstly, it scans the images for faces (Face Detection) then it extracts the unique face ids from the detected faces and compare them agains the face ids of members of the PersonGroup

4. Meetings

The meeting tab is used to fetch details of meetings. By entering the name and date of a particular meeting, it fetches the records from the database and displays the date, User Id, Name and a binary value of 1 if the user attended the meeting and 0 if the user did not. The Download CSV button downloads a .CSV version of the table.

Tools, Frameworks & Languages

  • IDE - Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Version Control and CI/CD - Github
  • Artificial Intelligence - Azure
  • Database - PostgreSQL
  • Languages - C#, Javascript
  • ORM - Entity Framework
  • Framework - Asp.NET Core
  • Libraries - Bootstrap, Jquery
  • Hosting - ElephantSQL, Heroku