#frandauto -- Fast Random Automata
##Current Status: v0.6 -- Alpha. Build passing.
##License: Unlicensed, free to use and distribute. Copyright (c) Isabell Cowan 2015.
##Provides: ###frandauto
- Executable generating random sequences
- Full command line user interface
- Depends on libfrandauto
- C library for the generation of random numbers and sequences
##Contains: ###Project root
- Makefile -- Builds frandauto and libfrandauto
- README.md -- Symbolic link to doc/README.md
###doc -- Documentation directory
- CHANGELOG.md -- Log of minor version changes
- README.md -- This document
###src -- Source code directory
- options.c -- Parsing command line options frandauto
- main.c -- Contains entry point for frandauto
###src/include -- Headers for frandauto
- globals.h -- Globals for communication between options.c and main.c
- options.h -- Header for options.c
###src/lib -- Source code for libfrandauto
- auto.c -- Cellular automata generation
- conv.c -- Converts array of cellular automata states to various useful forms
- next.c -- Provides functions for simultaneous manipulation of auto.c and conv.c, ie
###src/lib/include -- Header(s) for libfrandauto
- frandauto.h -- Api for libfrandauto