Universal discord bot to suite all of your needs.
Want to use Ice? Invite link can be found on ice's website.
The setup is quite simple:
- Grab latest release and extract the contents somewhere on the disk
- Install dependencies (See #dependencies)
- Aquire token (from discord developer portal) and save it in config.json as token
- Create
that exports pool (see wiki) - Create MySQL databse with correct tables. (See wiki)
- Start the bot (with
node .
Then optionaly if you want to have link checking, add virustotal
field into config.json containing VirusTotal api key.
- Node (Tested with v12 & v13. Running on another version? Let us know!)
- NPM (bundled with Node on modern releases)
- Deno - Use as new version as possible. Needs to be installed by same user as the one running bot.
- (optional) Git (or even better, hub) for simple updates - run one command and your bot is up to date
Those are installed with npm i
Note: these aren't all dependencies, for list of all, see package.json
- discord.js -> discord library
- @iceprod/discord.js-commando -> the framework we use
- discord.js-docs -> searches through documentation
- pacote -> searches through npm registry
- cowsay -> a library for cowsay command
- eventemitter3 -> better event emitter class
- got -> because request got deprecated
- javascript-time-ago -> yes, we are lazy to reinvent the wheel
- mysql2 -> connection to MySQL
- nekos.life -> Cute
catgirlsnekos - node-html-parser & cheerio -> because not every website has an API
- pokedex-promise-v2 -> Promises for pokedex
- unique-random-array -> for our reddit command
- vm2 -> secure VM for code evaluation
- singleline -> allows multiline strings
- ffmpeg -> music playback coder
- ytdl-core -> for music playback
- figlet -> for rendering
Messages can be previewed by sending a link to it. If ice has access to the server and channel the message was in, it will send an embed containing information about the message.
The bot has as of now the following commands
- konachan - Safe version of konachan
- nekos <endpoint> - Wrapper to nekos-dot-life API (SFW)
- safebooru - It's safe, but just to make sure...
- sofurry - Gives random image from sofurry. Please don't use this in non-furry servers
- waifu - Random AI-generated waifu + story
This category is yet to be done.
- balance - shows current balance of user
- pay <amount> <who> - Not yet implemented. Sends <amount> to <who>
- mine - Mines the daily amount. Can be called every 12 hours.
- premium - Shows if you have premium access or not
This category is for developers who are working on discord. Hope it helps!
- apm - Gets information of Atom Text Editor Package
- bang (alias ddg) - Sends info from
instant answer or link frombang
- deno - Full deno runtime. Limit of 15 seconds. Only network allowed.
- djs - Searches through Discord.js documentation
- php - Searches through PHP documentation
- dstatus - Shows status of discord servers
- jseval - Evaluates given JS code. Has a limit of 10 seconds, running in NodeVM without access to require.
- format - Formatting guide
- google - Google it!
- code - Shows information about given HTTP code. Supports some non-official ones. Thanks Wikipedia!
- logme - Shows message metadata in JSON format.
- npm - Gets information about given package
- request (alias
)- Makes request. Seereq help
- format - Shows formatting help
- stackoverflow (alias
) - Searches in SO and shows both question and answer
- achievments - Shows which achievments you currently own
- avatar - Shows your or someone else's (Ping 'em!) high-res avatar7
- covid - Shows covid statistics
- fact - Gets a random fact
- invite - Link to invite the bot
- math (alias
) - Calculates given math expression and returns the result. See mathjs.org - oldest - Shows list of users ordered by the time of registration at discord
- ping - Pings the discord API and shows how much time it consumed
- puppy - Because everyone likes images of puppies
- reddit - Shows random image from given subreddit. If not on image-only subreddit, bot may not reply as of now.
- voted (Alias
) - Checks status of user vote and if user didn't vote, shows link.
- ascii (alias
) - Figlet text, also known as ascii-art text - cow - The original cowsay/cowthink
- clap - Clapify given message
- cool - Cools something
- cowsay - Make cow say or think text
- dab - <o/
- joke - Random joke of given type. If no type provided, uses random
- leet Leetify message
- lenny - Everyone knows what's lenny
- reddituser - Shows info about reddit user (disabled until fixed)
- say - Make the bot say anything you want
- spoiler - Annoying spoilers
- subinfo - Shows info about reddit subreddit
- urban [alias ud] - Find the meaning in the Urban Dictionary
- vaporwave - Vaporify string
- skin - Shows minecraft skin of given player.
- poke - Pokemon commands, see
poke help
- fone - Uses happyfone API
- meme - Generates memes. Usage:
meme <photo/link to avatar> [top text] [bottom text]
- qr (alias
) - Generates QR Code from given text - xkcd - Shows todays xkcd comic
- allow-channels - Allows usage of bot only in specified channels.
- toggle-level - Toggles level up messages.
- announce - Make an announcement in the same channel. Admin only.
- ban - Bans user
- case - Shows info about case (warn/kick/ban).
- clearsettings - Clears bot data about current server. THIS ACTION IS IRREVERSIBLE
- count - Counts members
- editreason - Edits reason about specified case
- giveaway - Starts a giveaway
- history - Shows users history (kicks/bans/warns).
- info - Info about author or given user
- kick - Kicks user from the server
- log - Log settings, not yet done.
- purge <x> <delete report (true/false)> - Purges last
messages - role - Manages roles. See help.
- stats - Stats of ice bot
- warn - Warns user
- join - Joins the bot to voice channel you are currently in.
- jump - Jumps to selected position in queue.
- leave - Leaves the voice channel
- pause - Pauses playback
- play - Starts playing queue
- stop - Stops playing queue
- remove - Removes song from queue
- resume - Resumes playback
- shuffle - Shuffles queue
- skip - Skips current song (accepts number as argument, any integer value allowed)
- view - Views current queue
- volume - Sets or gets volume of playback (in %)
These commands are premium only (and aren't in this repository)
- booru <booru> - Random image from specified booru
- danbooru - Random image from danbooru
- gelbooru - Random image from gelbooru
- hypnohub - Random image from hypnohub
- konachan-lewd - Highquality wallpapers
- nekos-lewd - Not so safe endpoints of nekos.life
- realbooru - Realistic version of rule34
- rule34 - Well you should know what this is
- xbooru - The dirty sister of rule34
- yandere - Random yandere image
This category contains owner-only commands
- blacklist - Doesn't yet work
- guilds - List guilds