
The Aim is to understand how cryptography works and to do so, the basic understanding of Modular Arithemetic is needed. Upon understanding this will we be able to write a distinct programme that calculates the modular multiplicative inverse of a number using the Euclidean Algorithm.

This is a workthrough to calculate the modular multiplicative inverse of a number using Euclidean Algorithm

First going through the Modular Maths:

When the division of two integers an equation that looks like the following:

    A/B = Q reminder R

where :

  • A is the dividend
  • B is the divisor
  • Q is the quotient
  • R is the reminder

On the reminder when we divide A/B operator is called MOD.

Converting a positive integer in a Modular Arithemetic

The Euclidean Algorithm is a set of instructions for finding the greatest common divisor of any two positive integers.

    a = bq + R

To understand more on the basics of Modular Arithemetic before going into the Euclidean ALGORITHM

Khan Academy gives a good explanation on modular arithemetic.

For video context explanation

The euclidean Algorithm shows that given two integers 0 < b < a, where we can say the making of the repeated division to a obtain a series of division equation which will be eventually terminated at the reminder of 0.


    a = bq1 + r1, 0 < r1 < b

    b = r1q2 + r2, 0 < r2 < r1

    r = r2q3 + r3, 0 < r3 < r3

    rj−2 = rj−1qj + rj , 0 < rj < rj−1

    rj−1 = rjqj+1

A quick exaample on the Implementation Finding the gcd of(7469, 2464) using the Euclidean Algorithm:

//from the equation a = bq + R

    7469 = 2464q + R
    7469 = 2464(3) + 77
    2464 = 77(32) + 0

 gcd(7467, 2464) = 32


Given two integers 0 < b < a, considering the euclidean equation which will yield the gcd(a,b) = r.

Rewriting all the equation except the last equations by solving for the reminders.

    r = a - bq

    r2 = b - rq2

    r3 = r1 - r2q3

    Therefore, rj−1 = rj−3 − rj−2qj−1

                rj = rj−2 − rj−1qj

The last of the equation rj = rj−2 − rj−1qj will replace rj-1 with its expression in terms of rj-3 and rj-2 from the equation immediatialy above it, continueing the process successively replacing rj-2, rj-3 and so till a final equation is obtained.

    rj = ax + by

Where x and y are the integers, in the special case that gcd(a,b) = 1. The integer equation reads

    1 = ax + by

Therefore, we deduce.

    1 ≡ by mod a

So that the residue of y is the multiplicative inverse of b, mod a.